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 | Subject: | Chicago Computer Guide This Week |
 | Date: | Fri, 25 Jan 2002 03:24:53 -0600 |
Chicago Computer Guide This Week
For January 24-30, 2002
I. This Week's Calendar of Events
II. Strategies For Maintaining H1-b Status in a Slowing U.S. Economy
III. Cyber Terrorism
IV. Obituaries, 2001
V. Chicago Computer Company News
VI. Chicago Computer Dealers
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I. This Week's Chicago Computer Events
Event: American Business Women's Association (ABWA) Meeting*
Date: January 29, 2002
Place: Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce: One IBM Plaza,
330 N. Walbash, Suite 2800, Chicago
Time: 5:45pm - 7:30pm
Information: Contact Melinda Sigal at 773-755-2400 or via
email at
The American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) is a
national association dedicated to providing business training
for women of diverse background through education for
career advancement and personal development.
Event: Midwest Entrepreneurial Forum*
Date: January 29, 2002
Place: Illinois Institute of Technology, Rice Campus,
201 East Loop Rd, Wheaton, IL
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Information: Contact Tim Boivin at 847-632-0040 or
email at
GPSLink, a Web-based software solution that helps corporations
streamline their employee relocation process, will present its
business model to an MEF Panel of business experts.
Event: The Internet Executives Club Mixer &
Town Hall Meeting*
Date: January 31, 2002
Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Place: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, One N. Wacker,
14th Floor, Chicago
Information: Contact Tadia Wille at 847-955-9217
or via email at
IEC Mixers offer an excellent opportunity for members and their
guests to meet and network with each other in an informal setting.
This meeting will also be the Club's annual Town Hall meeting.
This is an opportunity for interested members to give feedback
on how we should grow the club and provide more benefits to
our members.
II. Strategies For Maintaining H1-b Status in a Slowing
U.S. Economy
By Elizabeth Mallor Walder
One of the most important considerations that an H-1B worker
must remember is that he or she must not expose themselves to
the 3 and 10-year bars on reentry or the visa-voiding provisions
of the Immigration and Nationalization Act: If the foreigner has
remained in the U.S. for more than 180 days without legal
nonimmigrant status and voluntarily departs the U.S., he or she
may be subject to being barred from seeking admission to the
U.S. for three to as much as ten years.
Click here for more:
III. Cyber Terrorism
Rich McDilda
If you are a news nut like I am, then no doubt you have seen
the latest and greatest threat to all peace loving web servers,
the worm virus, popping up here and there. Just what is it that
drives people to unleash such havoc on the rest of the world,
exactly? This month, I wanted to take a look at the mindset of
the modern cyber-terrorist, and what, if anything, you can do
to protect yourself from them.
For more go to,
IV. Obituaries, 2001
By Paul Robertz
This is the twelfth year in a row my annual obituary column has
appeared here. In case this is the first one you have seen, I
enjoy listing older computer hardware that has lost all commercial
resale value in the past year. Most of the deceased hardware is
still fully functional, but became terminally ill when newer operating
systems and its manufacturer ceased to support it.
Click here,
for more.
V. Chicago Computer Company News
Net56 Awarded Five Year Outsourcing Contract With
Deerfield School District 109
announced it has been awarded a five-year outsourcing contract,
with Deerfield, Illinois School District 109. Beginning this month,
Net56 will be responsible for the entire Network and Operations
for Deerfield District 109 business offices and the four elementary
and two middle schools in the district. Within the scope of the
contract, Net56 will also provide Thin Client Technology, Web
Development, Web Hosting services as well as Consulting.
Regarded as exceptionally avant-garde by the district, this
outsourcing contract is a significant and strategic step in using
technology more effectively in providing teachers, students and
the community with a resource they can trust and rely on.
"This is a bold a move for us. We've made an unprecedented
decision for the District. When we realized what Net56 could do
for us, we went from ‘this is interesting' to ‘got to have'", stated Al
Chickerneo, Network Administrator for District 109. The outsource
contract will center on four areas:
- Provide high availability, scalability and security by replacing and
relocating all servers to the Net56 hardened data center in Palatine,
- Achieve a stable and redundant network infrastructure to ensure
network performance and information integrity throughout the District
- Launch an innovative web site to involve the community by
encouraging community development, a connected learning
community and promote engaged learning
- Establish Thin Client technology to enhance learning by creating
and enriching a personalized learning environment while relieving
the district of the technology management burden and freeing
resources to educate
The District had come to a crossroads in terms of security,
reliability and innovation encountering issues that required regular
outside assistance.
Network weakness were identified to include an inadequate
data center facility which fell short of best practice, a lack of
redundancy in the structure of the network and technology staff
were not being used effectively in support of education goals as
their time was largely spent troubleshooting network related
"Technology has become an integral part of payroll, purchases,
and curriculum and student services and if we tried to upgrade to
what is required for the stable and secure system we can depend
on, it would cost us more than the District could afford. The use
of technology in our everyday lives is becoming as important as
electricity, heat and water and we have an obligation to make it
as dependable, efficient and cost effective as possible. The term
is economy of scale, and Net56 meets our goals stated Dr Pekoe,
Superintendent Deerfield Schools.
The District realizes its web presence was under developed which
has led to under utilization. The District needs a means of
communicating and educating students, parents, community members
and staff in the vision, goals, accomplishments, and current events
of the District.
For more information on Net56, Inc., visit the company's website at, or call (847) 934-8100.
Hurricane Electric Offers Services in Chicago
FREMONT, Calif./PRNewswire/ -- Hurricane Electric, a leading
Technical Service Provider, announced that they will now offer
direct connections and collocation in the Chicago area.
"It's the next logical step," said Mike Leber, president of
Electric. "We offer services on both coasts, so we decided to bring our
services to Chicago because it is a centrally located major
Hurricane Electric is offering a T3 (45 Mbps) out of Chicago for
$4,995 a month as part of their "Welcome to the Windy City" special.
Fractional T1's and T3's, T1's, OC3's, OC12's and IP over metropolitan
Ethernet providers are also available. A T1 (1.544 Mbps) from
Hurricane Electric in Chicago will run $650 a month.
Hurricane Electric's Chicago facility is located at Switch and
427 South La Salle Street, home of the former Western Union building,
located across the street from the Chicago Board of Trade and
Ameritech Tandem.
Customers that collocate their equipment at Hurricane Electric's
Chicago facility will enjoy every amenity they could ask for, including
24/7 knowledgeable staff, high tech security, HVAC environmental
systems, digital surveillance, and conditioned uninterruptible power.
The facility is connected via a "meet me" room to Ameritech,
AT&T local, Level(3), Qwest and XO Communications and has 3
fiber entry points for increased redundancy to eliminate a single
point of failure. A "meet me" room is a space where major providers
connect to each other.
Established in 1994, Hurricane Electric expanded their network
and their facilities in the last year by opening a new collocation
in Fremont, CA and acquiring Lightning Internet Services in New York
this past week. Hurricane Electric now offers services in the New York
and Chicago areas along with the Silicon Valley.
Hurricane Electric also offers web hosting plans, ranging from
$9.95 to $299.95, to customers internationally including Chicago. A
new rate plan for Hurricane Electric web hosting was announced this
month to include more traffic and storage. Pricing and information can
be found at
Tellabs Launches Performance Probe Software To Help
Wireless Carriers Optimize Call Quality
NAPERVILLE, Ill./PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Tellabs introduced a
new performance probe software package for its voice-quality
enhancement system to help wireless carriers optimize call quality
as they reduce operating costs. The new Tellabs 3150 Performance
Probe software measures voice signals that route through the Tellabs
3100 Voice-Quality Enhancement system, enabling wireless carriers
to cost-effectively monitor and optimize voice quality for customers
in real-time.
The new Tellabs 3150 Performance Probe software measures
and displays speech levels, noise levels, echo and delay every five
seconds -- enabling carriers to proactively analyze, evaluate and
improve voice-quality performance in their network before customers
complain. In addition, the software's automated measurement function
helps reduce operating costs by minimizing the time and resources
needed to identify and troubleshoot voice-quality performance issues.
"Call quality is the most influential factor in determining overall
caller satisfaction and our customers tell us they need Tellabs' help
to monitor their networks' voice performance," said David Powell,
senior vice president of Tellabs' Network Enhancing Technologies
Solutions group.
"The new Tellabs 3150 Performance Probe software adds voice-quality
measurement features to the Tellabs 3100 Voice-Quality Enhancement
system to help wireless carriers optimize call quality and increase the
bottom line."
The Tellabs 3150 Performance Probe software provides voice-quality
performance thresholds that carriers can customize to suit their
network parameters and configurations. This threshold capability
customers with information to rank voice performance across their
and prioritize corrective-action initiatives.
The Tellabs 3150 Performance Probe software will be available as
added feature to the Tellabs 3100 Voice-Quality Enhancement system in
February 2002. More information about the Tellabs 3150 software,
including a screen shot, is available at .
Shut Off Windows. Turn On Desktop Security
GLENVIEW, IL -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- In the most recent survey on
cybercrime by the FBI and the Computer Security Institute 81% of
corporate respondents said the most likely source of attack was from
inside the company. Yet, to date, no simple cost-effective way to
secure or 'lock-down' Windows Internet desktops has evolved
...until now. With the latest version of ActivatorDesk software from
R. Lee Heath, businesses, schools, parents, or anyone may easily
secure desktops even by shutting off the Windows interface in
favor of a simpler to use, more secure, and uniform desktop
Shut Off Your Windows to make your desktops secure? "Yes",
says renowned inventor and Lemelson MIT Prize nominee, Roger
Lee Heath. "One of the biggest problems with safe use of Windows
is that it is installed wide-open with almost no security at all. Then
the second resulting problem is that it generally takes a 'rocket
scientist' to setup comprehensive desktop security. The average
person just cannot deploy proper desktop policies enforcement
easily", says Heath, "Yet the desktop is where virtually all serious
tampering and abuses originate."
Unlike some lock-down security schemes, ActivatorDesk allows
not only control of what programs may be accessed, but also what
web sites may be accessed. For example, anyone may import a list
of Favorite web sites from Internet Explorer or Netscape then turn
these on as the only safe web sites that may be visited. An on-board
portal server already has over 16,000 of the most popularly visited
safe website links built-in. This security can even be configured on a
user by user basis, auto-aligning itself with existing Windows user
accounts. It may also be the key to increasing productivity, as IDC
Research reports that 30 to 40% of all Internet use in the workplace
is not related to business.
In addition, there is an increasing urgent concern about internal
Windows desktop and network integrity because regular Windows
security passwords have now been cracked. According to research
by PC Magazine, "Your password-protected PCs and data files
aren't nearly as secure as you might think. Software that can detect
your passwords is readily available." ActivatorDesk answers this with
its own stand-alone secure password system to form 'two factor'
desktop logins complimented by a host of desktop security settings
that also go beyond the standard Windows security features.
Even though the software is still in beta a CPU Magazine review
by Warren Ernst has just recommended ActivatorDesk, "Because a
genuinely different browser and Internet security scheme doesn't
come along every day." At least one security consultant or vender
of the software has received an order to install ActivatorDesk to
lock-down 5,000 desktops according to Heath. Heath also indicated
a California based medical company is deploying the software for
HIPPA compliance purposes complimenting their own web services.
ActivatorDesk is powered by a very fast reliable database and
personal portal server on each desktop that also maintains desktop
security settings. The Windows desktop may be retained, or select
elements, like the Start Button, Desktop Icons, or the Tray may be
shut off. Or the entire Windows interface may be turned off leaving
a simple 'Agent' desktop program that may be conveniently dragged
anywhere and combines most conventional Start and Programs
Menu functions with most Task Bar and Task Manager functions
all in one. The result is a desktop even 'cleaner' than Windows
XP, with enhanced functionality, security, and a simple familiar
interface regardless of the version of the Windows OS used.
This may substantially impact training costs and refocus desktops
as dedicated to the primary purpose of productivity or education.
The company is currently developing a centralized control
system so many desktops may be automatically monitored and
controlled from just one or multiple locations. "We are hoping to
make this available in the second quarter,"Heath indicates.
"The central control will also allow for remote monitoring and
management capabilities of all web sites visited and programs
run. It will even report back the versions of software running
network-wide. At that time, the desktop or client may well be
out of beta and the central management on its way to full
release status. Then we intend to make available a version
of the central management server system to run on the Linux
OS as well", Heath said.
It does not stop there. Heath is about to formally market a
web-based email system called ActivatorMail service that
includes 'intelligent' anti-virus, anti-spam, and optional anti-porn
filtering features. The system has taken over four years to refine
and develop. The idea is to further enhance safety, productivity,
and reduced costs by simply pointing and/or restricting the
secure desktops to a safe email system. There is no special or
expensive software to install or setup as all mail is processed
before it is put into a mailbox for download, yet the system is
compatible with conventional readers like Outlook and Eudora.
The current desktop client software may be downloaded free
from the ActivatorDesk website and used as fully functional,
but will 'nag' for a paid registration after 30 days. For more
information visit:
VI. Chicago Computer Dealers
Click here at for our list
of computer dealers and some of the lowest prices in town!
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