Top Feature
Desktop Linux goes boldly where others have gone before
Novell is firing the latest shot in the war to break Windows'
desktop dominance, writes David Braue. more
Police target mobile peeping toms
It's a grey legal area but the message is clear - beach voyeurism
using mobile phones able to take photographs is not on, NSW Police
say. more
IBM regains supercomputer crown
An IBM BlueGene/L beta-System has been named the fastest
supercomputer in the world by Top500, an organisation which from
1993 has maintained a list of the 500 most powerful computer
systems. more
New domain rules 'will make hijacking easier'
New rules for domain transfers are set to come into effect, making
it easier for people to hijack domains, according to the security
and network services company Netcraft. more
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Pod pals
This iPod buyers' guide from the iPod Lounge puts into perspective
the obsession of the iPod set. more
More Reviews
It pays to look a gift-horse in the mouth
The next time you download a free program, consider who you're
inviting into your computer. more
More Opinion
