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A Different Perspective on WDSc
by Bruce Guetzkow
If you're using WebSphere Development Studio client to maintain iSeries source, you're familiar with the Remote Systems Explorer perspective and its associated views. RSE lets you create filters to manage access to source members and other iSeries objects. If you work on more than one user request at a time, however, it may be difficult to keep track of which source members belong with a certain request. The iSeries Projects perspective helps by letting you organize source into projects and to develop even if you are not connected to your host iSeries. READ MORE >
Qshell Logout Script
Hey, Ted:
I know about the special scripts that run automatically when I begin a Qshell session. Is there a way to make Qshell run a script when I end a session? READ MORE >
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Admin Alert: Safely Deleting a User Profile
by Joe Hertvik
As employees leave a company, many administrators disable their OS/400 user profiles, rather than deleting them, because the profiles may own critical system objects, may be used in regularly scheduled batch jobs, or may be group profiles that others depend on. Disabling terminated profiles is common practice because there isn't an easy way to discover which objects a profile affects, so administrators believe it's better to play it safe and keep the old user profile. READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Technical Editors: Howard Arner, Joe Hertvik, Ted Holt,
Shannon O'Donnell, Kevin Vandever
Managing Editor: Shannon Pastore
Contributing Technical Editors: Joel Cochran, Wayne O. Evans, Raymond Everhart,
Bruce Guetzkow, Marc Logemann, David Morris
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Delroy
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed
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