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Top OS/400 Stories from Around the Web
(IT Jungle) It may be true that all is fair in love and war, but do we have to put up with those same no holds barred rules when it comes to software pricing? There's no sense to be made of the prices most companies pay for software licenses. We've nearly reached the point where the free market in software licensing may be hanging in the balance. READ MORE >
(Insider Weekly) After the i5 was torched at the COMMON Fall 2004 Conference Town Hall meeting and the press reported the disparaging comments of users, defenders of the platform say problems are mostly resolved. Most agree the i5 was not up to typical iSeries standards, but fixes are being made, so stop trashing the i5. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) Owners of new i5 machines may not be familiar with the microcode upgrade requirements that pertain to the service processor, the Virtualization Engine, and the Hardware Management Console. So far the original code has been upgraded with the launch of the Model 570 and then again when the Model 595 was introduced. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) Here's an idea that IBM could use to boost iSeries server sales. Make high availability a basic function that is integrated into the software. It would provide a clear differentiator when comparing OS/400 with Windows, Linux, and Unix and it would be a strong value-add to the machine. READ MORE >
(iSeries Network) John Reed, one of IBM's veteran iSeries executives, has a new job. But what the devil is a director of client availability solutions? Reed says his main focus will be on maintaining the iSeries' reputation for high availability and industry-leading reliability while loads of new functionality continues to be added to the box. This Q&A with Reed sheds additional light on what IBM expects iSeries to become. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer should be in one of those celebrity poker tournaments on TV. Last week he attempted to persuade anyone who would listen that Windows is better suited for corporate computing than Linux and Unix. He's not entirely without good arguments, but overall his case seems to be a few cards short of a full deck. READ MORE >
(iSeries Network) IBM is backing off its earlier statement that WebSphere 6 would be ready for iSeries shops in early 2005 and now describes the release date as "sometime in the first half of next year." If you are interested in running it on Windows or Linux on Intel, the originally announced release date of December 10 remains solid. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) How much is your old Model 270 iSeries worth to you? Why do we ask? Well, IBM has a trade-in promotion to get OS/400 shops to upgrade to either iSeries or i5 servers. Between now and the end of the year, you might make your best deal on an upgrade. READ MORE >
(CIO) Stress is high and morale is low, but a job is a job, right? It's still better than getting a pink slip even if it is goodbye bonus and hello cross-training. The results of this IT staffing survey smell like a rat died behind the AS/400. READ MORE >
(Reuters) IT departments want smaller, more specialized pieces of software, not the monoliths that many companies have laid out on the table. A better idea, for companies that portend to give customers what they want, is to provide the capability to integrate products from a variety of vendors so that buyers can quickly adapt their systems with specific pieces of software that give them precisely what they need. But can vendors adapt to this way of thinking? READ MORE >
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Vendor Announcements, Promotions, and Deals
(IT Jungle) OS/400 operations automation software has a new player in the game since Software Engineering of America and RevSoft teamed up to challenge the established leaders in the U.S. market. The products have been in OS/400 shops outside the United States for years and the tier-structure pricing should get the attention of customers, particularly those who make use of logical partitions. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) One of the problems with Web applications is that you can't always get the performance you want. Weak performance affects productivity, which affects profitability. That's where Web performance enhancers such as WebRider come into play. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) For those of you who manage multiple OS/400 servers, console consolidation is as important an issue as server consolidation. Limiting the number of consoles can reduce costs. And keeping the bean counters happy is just part of the job, right? READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) Users of PeopleSoft's World A8.1, a smaller sibling to the more widely used version of the popular World ERP suite, are now getting some of the feature upgrades--most notably Web application access through a browser--that the majority of World users have had since spring. READ MORE >
(TechWeb) A food and consumer goods distribution suite running on Linux on iSeries is available from Integrated Distribution Solutions. Modules for customer- and supplier-relationship management, warehouse automation, financial accounting, and business intelligence are included. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) IBM's efforts to gain more customers in the small and midsized market have been expanded with the introduction of three new Express products, including one that is applicable for organizations interested in running WebSphere on the iSeries. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) National City Mortgage has selected Invenso's XB Suite 2004 data exchange software as the primary technology for generating XML data from its OS/400 applications. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) E2open B2B Client integration software has reached the milestone of 200 installations at businesses in North America and the Asia Pacific region. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) IP compression and acceleration devices reduced network strain as a new VoIP system was rolled out across 11 sites in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) As 2004 winds down, it's time to make plans for tax forms. If you need W-2 or 1099 software packages, Acclaim Software has them ready to ship. READ MORE >
(IT Jungle) For organizations with remote employees connecting to Domino on the iSeries, Intellisync has a new suite of products that allows a range of mobile devices to access server-based data and applications. READ MORE >
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New Redbooks, White Papers, and Other OS/400 Resources
(IBM) TCP/IP is the communication protocol of the Internet and for most companies it is standard operating procedure for connecting muliti-vendor networks. This Web site provides multiple resources for background information to assist the iSeries users in getting linked to Internet networks throughout the world. READ MORE >
(Tango04) The integration of IT infrastructures and the business services they support has given rise to a discipline known as Business Service Management (BSM). This report covers both the advantages of BSM and how software from Tango04 can be used to successfully complete BSM projects. READ MORE >
(IBM) This Web site is all about running Microsoft Windows applications in addition to core business applications on iSeries. It covers hardware overviews, system configurations, iSeries model support, and links to information on the Integrated xSeries Server (IxS) and Integrated xSeries Adapter (IxA). READ MORE >
(Silvon) Improving the accuracy of demand forecasting and performance analytics has a direct impact on reducing inventory costs, improving cycle time and fill rates, and ultimately results in better customer service by meeting customer expectations. This white paper makes that case and also brings to light the more efficient use of of assets such as factory equipment and lower procurement costs. READ MORE >
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Chats, Webinars, Seminars, Shows, and Other Happenings
November 8-12 -- The i5 and iSeries Technical Conference, produced and directed by IBM, is an opportunity to attend sessions on upgrading to the new i5 servers and i5/OS V5R3. The agenda includes topics such as DB2/UDB, WebSphere Development Studio Client, Lotus Domino Workplace, LPAR, AIX, and Linux on the iSeries, and iSeries Access for the Web. The event is being held in Las Vegas. LEARN MORE >
November 9 -- IBM portal technology on the iSeries is the featured topic at the Central Florida Midrange Users Group meeting. Mike Ostrowski of Optimus Solutions is the guest speaker. His presentation will include what it takes to have a successful portal implementation and how to extend COBOL and RPG applications to the portal. The group meets monthly at Lee's Lakeside on Lake Eola, in Orlando. Dinner is scheduled for 7 p.m. with a presentation at 8. RSVP required. LEARN MORE >
November 9 -- A presentation on high availability is the highlight of the regular monthly meeting of the Cascade iSeries User Group. Guest speaker is J.R. McCarter of Key Information Systems. The Cascade User Group serves the greater Portland, Oregon, area and meets the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held on the fourth floor of the NW Natural Building, 220 NW 2nd (2nd & Everett) between 1:30 and 4:30 p. m. LEARN MORE >
November 10 -- Executives facing the challenges associated with modernizing their OS/400-based legacy applications can attend a half-day seminar covering the strategic options presented by ASNA and Microsoft. Highly regarded speakers Robert S. Tipton and Roger Pence will cover topics such as leadership processes that help business executives direct their systems and applications into new areas of higher productivity (Tipton) and the application modernization processes and how they generate tangible and measurably improved ROI (Pence). This event, scheduled from 8:30 to noon in Cleveland, is part of a six-city tour beginning September 29 and ending November 11. Advanced registration is required. LEARN MORE >
November 10 -- The Tampa, Florida, Data Exchange Bay Area User's Group will host its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at the Clarion Hotel beginning at 6 p.m. LEARN MORE >
November 11 -- Executives facing the challenges associated with modernizing their OS/400-based legacy applications can attend a half-day seminar covering the strategic options presented by ASNA and Microsoft. Highly regarded speakers Robert S. Tipton and Roger Pence will cover topics such as leadership processes that help business executives direct their systems and applications into new areas of higher productivity (Tipton) and the application modernization processes and how they generate tangible and measurably improved ROI (Pence). This event, scheduled from 8:30 to noon in Secaucus-NYC, is part of a six-city tour beginning September 29 and ending November 11. Advanced registration is required. LEARN MORE >
November 11 -- The Pacific Midrange Systems Association meeting, serving the greater Seattle area, will host its regular monthly meeting. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch at noon, and the program begins at 1 p.m. The meeting location is the Rock Bottom Brewery in Bellevue. LEARN MORE >
November 11 -- The fundamentals of the OS/400 and i5/OS Single Sign-On and Password Elimination architecture will be the focus of a presentation by security expert Jack McAfee, the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Wisconsin Midrange Computer Professionals Association. WMCPA serves the greater Milwaukee area. LEARN MORE >
November 11 -- A Web seminar for those interested in Java-based, Web-enabled applications that can be implemented via an Internet, extranet, or intranet using WebSphere is being presented by Java expert Paul Holm, a senior Web architect at PlanetJ. Holm's focus on creating self-service applications will involve the use of a Java-based tool called WOW, which was developed by PlanetJ. The Web cast begins at 11 a.m. PST. To register for the session, email njensen@planetjavainc.com. LEARN MORE >
November 11 -- The monthly meeting of the Houston Applications Systems Group has its monthly meeting beginning with dinner at 5:30 and followed by the meeting from 6:30 to 8:00. Meetings are held at the Sheraton Brookhollow, 3000 North Loop West, Houston. RSVP required. LEARN MORE >
November 16 -- The Fairfield (Connecticut) AS/400 Users Group (FASUG) is hosting its annual AS/400 Technical Conference. Speakers include Al Barsa, Bob Cozzi, Jarek Miszczyk, Glenn Ericson, George Farr, Pete Massiello, and Craig Pelke. Session topics include enterprise application modernization, RPG, systems management, DB2, Web-enabling RPG, Java, WebSphere, and others. The one-day event is held at the Danbury (Connecticut) Sheraton. LEARN MORE >
November 16 -- Using the iSeries to send HTML formatted email will be the featured topic at the monthly meeting of the Metro Midrange Systems Association (MMSA), an AS/400 and iSeries user group in the Dallas and Fort Worth area. Guest speaker Ray Everhart covers the various types of content that can be incorporated into email. Everhart's presentation includes information on the RFC 822 email standard, SNADS versus SMTP for message delivery, the QtmmSendMail API, and a "walk through" of a working RPG application using sample code on a live system. MMSA meetings are held at the Harvey Hotel Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, in Irving, Texas. LEARN MORE >
November 16 -- The OCEAN User Group of iSeries professionals, based in Costa Mesa, California, presents "Web Browser Access to Legacy Applications" a presentation on the IBM browser-based tools including Host Access Transformation Services, WebFacing, Host on Demand, and iSeries Access for the Web. The guest speaker is Rod Davis. OCEAN meetings are regularly scheduled on the third Thursday each month, beginning at 6 p.m. at the IBM office, 600 Anton Blvd, Second Floor, Costa Mesa. LEARN MORE >
November 16-19 -- Training that provides the skills to install, configure, manage, and support Microsoft Windows Server on the iSeries Integrated xSeries Server and Direct Attached xSeries Server via Integrated xSeries Adapter is available through IBM. The program includes installation requirements and procedures, TCP/IP communication configuration--including Gigabit Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN), storage space and combined user ID administration--device sharing, backup-and-restore procedures, and problem-determination techniques. It also examines running Linux on an integrated server and options pertaining to high availability. On the page we link you to for more information, type course number AS300 into the search function at the top of the page. LEARN MORE >
November 17 -- The New England Mid-Range Users Group will host a meeting at the Ramada Inn in Seekonk, Massachusetts, (greater Providence, Rhode Island, area) beginning at 5:15 p.m. The focus topic for the meeting is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. LEARN MORE >
November 17 -- The Long Island Systems Users Group is presenting two sessions with a business manager orientation on RF and RFID wireless technologies and how they interface to the iSeries platform through LANs, WANs and 5250 emulation during the 5 p.m. session and a technical session focusing on Microsoft .NET integration with DB2 UDB for iSeries during the 6 p.m. session. Registration for either the early or late session or for both is required. The regular meeting price covers both sessions. LISUG meetings are held at the Fox Hollow Inn, Woodbury, New York. LEARN MORE >
November 17 -- Logical partitioning and the hardware management console will be the featured topic at the monthly meeting of the Applications Systems Users Group, which consists of iSeries and AS/400 professionals in the greater Cleveland area. Guest speaker Ken Goetz has been a technical professional in the IBM midrange environment for more than 25 years, and has more than 25 certifications on the AS/400, iSeries, and i5 platforms. The meeting takes place at Harry's Steakhouse in Independence, Ohio. LEARN MORE >
November 17 -- The Jacksonville (Florida) iSeries User Group monthly meeting features java expert Joe Sam Shirah presenting "Java 2004: A Tour for the Midrange Developer." Activities begin at 5 p.m. The presentation begins at 6. RSVP via email to group president Ben Brower (benbrower@comcast.net) to reserve a seat. The meeting takes place at The Loop, 6426 Bowden Road, Suite 206, Jacksonville.
November 18 -- A Web cast covering the WebSphere products and capabilities relating to the iSeries and i5 will be presented by Kevin Larsen of IBM Rochester. Larsen will cover the integration of existing iSeries applications and data and the WebSphere method for connecting them to the Web. This event begins at 11 a.m. EDT. Advanced registration is required. LEARN MORE >
November 18 -- AS/400 and iSeries professionals in the greater Chicago area have an opportunity to participate in the OMNI Fall Day of Education featuring sessions on topics that include RPG /free, ILE, WebSphere, Eclipse, WDSc, RPG in V5, DB2 UDB, WebSphere and RPG together, RPG and the IFS, SQL performance, and iSeries Navigator. The list of speakers includes: Jon Paris, Susan Gantner, Dale O'Leary, Kent Milligan, David Money, Joe Pluta, and Tom Brekke. LEARN MORE >
November 22 -- Dr. Frank Soltis, chief scientist for the iSeries, is the featured speaker at the Chicago area iSeries Customer Day, which will be held at the Chicago Marriott in Schaumburg, Illinois. The event is scheduled from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required. LEARN MORE >
December 16 -- The Kentuckiana Small Systems Association (KSSA) will host its regularly scheduled quarterly meeting in Louisville, Kentucky. The meetings begin with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and are concluded by 1:30 p.m. LEARN MORE >
January 23-27, 2005 -- Lotusphere 2005 will focus on core Notes and Domino content. Additional topics in the spotlight incude the Lotus product portfolio, WebSphere Portal products, Pervasive Computing technology, and the IBM Workplace. Pre-conference "JumpStart Sessions" are available and special educational tracks have been designed for areas such as management, application development. collaboration infrastructure, and best practices. An early bird discount, which saves $200 off the registration costs, is available until November 15. As usual, Lotusphere is held at the popular Walt Disney Resort in Orlando, Florida. LEARN MORE >
April 6 & 7, 2005 -- The 20th annual Wisconsin Midrange Computer Professionals Association (WMCPA) Spring Technical Conference will be held at Lake Lawn Resort in Delavan, WI. The cost for the two-day event is $375 for WMPCA members ($300 for a one-day admission) and $500 for non-members ($425 for a one-day admission). LEARN MORE >
April 24-28, 2005 -- LANSA Launch 2005, the next annual conference for LANSA users, is meeting at the Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando in Orlando, Florida. The main goal of this event is to provide extensive education in LANSA technology, including the latest release of Visual LANSA V11, which is due for general availability in March. Of course, Florida in April is the right place at the right time for many winter-weary LANSA users. An extra day of sessions and hands-on labs has been added this year. Information on speakers, instructors, and topics will be updated periodically on the conference Web site. LEARN MORE >
April 27-29, 2005 -- ASNApalooza, three days of technical presentations and labs that demonstrate the latest tips and techniques for ASNA's Visual RPG for .NET. Meet and network with ASNA's R&D, tech support, and education teams. LEARN MORE >

Editor: Dan Burger
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Delroy
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed
Contact the Editor: If you have a resource, event, or any other interesting item
that you want to see publicized in Four Hundred Monitor, send Dan Burger a message through
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