Volume 2, Number 6 -- February 8, 2005
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Scalix Ports Messaging Software to zSeries-Linux
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Not everyone needs full-blown (some might say overblown) groupware, which is why companies like Scalix exist. Messaging is a continuum of functions, ranging from simple mail to e-mail and calendaring and up to full groupware and collaboration. And some people just want a great client that can be Web-based or client-based that can do e-mail and calendaring. That's why porting the Scalix server to the zSeries mainframe running Linux in its logical partitions makes sense. READ MORE >
Egenera Adds Opterons, Upgrades BladeFrame
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Under a partnership announced this week, chip-maker Advanced Micro Devices has garnered another server maker that will support its Opteron processors, and blade server maker Egenera has another arrow in its quiver with which to attack the vast installed base of Unix servers in the world. Egenera says it will deliver Opteron-based blades for its BladeFrame systems within the next 30 days. Egenera also put out Release 4.0 of its PAN Manager BladeFrame management software this week. READ MORE >
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Unisys Certifies SUSE Linux, Sells Support Alongside Novell
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Server maker Unisys is, as promised, now supporting Linux alongside the Windows platform, which it has been promoting exclusively on it ES7000 servers for nearly four years. And while Unisys has been working with Novell to tweak the Linux 2.6 kernel and other code inside of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 to take full advantage of the ES7000s, Unisys aims to capitalize on the effort by selling supplemental services to its enterprise customers. READ MORE >
As I See It: Surviving a Job Loss
by Victor Rozek
Stay in the work force long enough, and chances are you will eventually lose a job. You may be fired for good cause or bad, laid off for economic reasons, or become redundant because of a merger or an acquisition. And if those reasons don't suffice, you may simply be downsized, rightsized, outsourced, offshored, or separated from the company. The result, however, will be the same: someone will have decided to terminate your employment, thereby depriving you of your livelihood. READ MORE >
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But Wait, There's More
Mandrakesoft Gets LSB 2.0 Certification . . . Red Hat Launches Government Biz Unit . . . OSI Rejiggers as Founder, Raymond, Departs . . . IBM Subpoenas Intel in SCO Unix-Linux Lawsuit . . . MySQL Ports MaxDB to Power-Linux Combo . . . HP, Cisco Deliver Switch for Blade Servers . . . Linux Professional Institute Offers Free Certification Testing At LinuxWorld . . . READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Managing Editor: Shannon Pastore
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Delroy
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed
