Volume 2, Number 8 -- February 22, 2005
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Linux Gets Down to Business, and This Is Good
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
The main events at the LinuxWorld expo in Boston last week were the keynotes by Jack Messman, chairman and CEO of Novell, and Martin Fink, general manager of Linux at Hewlett-Packard. In keynotes past, Linux was less commercially established, so having industry luminaries among the traditional IT vendor community come and swear their fealty to Linux was not just interesting, but significant. But LinuxWorld, the show, like Linux, the cultural phenomenon, is becoming less about open source and more about the business of open source. READ MORE >
Red Hat Bashes Sun As It Launches Enterprise Linux 4
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
With the launch of Enterprise Linux 4 at the LinuxWorld expo in Boston, commercial Linux distributor Red Hat demonstrated that is has grown sufficiently as a commercial entity. So much so that its marketing spin now sounds rough and almost right. While Red Hat was keen to demonstrate that Version 4 of its Linux was a suitable and better replacement for Sun Microsystems' Solaris Unix variant, RHEL 4 really is a Linux that is a viable alternative to any Unix, and more significantly, other Linux 2.6 variants. READ MORE >
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Everybody Loves Xen
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
The Xen open source virtual machine partitioning project is picking up momentum since acquiring the backing of venture capitalists at the end of 2004. Now, server makers and Linux operating system providers are starting to line up to support the project, contribute code, and make it a feature of their systems at some point in the future. Last week, it was commercial Linux distributor Novell's and chip maker Advanced Micro Devices' turn to back Xen. READ MORE >
Novell Creates Project Hula Open Source Collaboration Server
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Software maker Novellannounced a new open source collaboration server project at the LinuxWorld expo in Boston last week. Project Hula, as the collaboration server is to be called, will be based on source code Novell will donate to the open source community from its own NetMail Web-based email and calendaring product. Jack Messman, Novell's chairman and CEO, said the company would release over 200,000 lines of NetMail code to Project Hula. READ MORE >
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But Wait, There's More
HP Shows Improving Financials in First Quarter . . . Aurema, Novell Make ARMTech Workload Management Work with SUSE Linux . . . SGI Introduces ProPack Extensions for SUSE Linux . . . Arkeia Bundles Network Backup on SGI Altix 350s . . . Cybernet's SlashSupport Offers Dirt Cheap Linux Support . . . MySQL Provides IP Indemnification for Open Source Database . . . Rackable Systems to Raise $86 Million in IPO . . . READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Managing Editor: Shannon Pastore
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Delroy
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed
