Volume 2, Number 19 -- May 17, 2005
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IBM and Red Hat Chase the Solaris Base Some More
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Sun Microsystems has been picking on Red Hat for the past several months, making it the poster boy for why Linux is too expensive compared to its new Solaris 10 Unix. And so Red Hat has enlisted the aid of IBM to go after the juiciest market in the world: the vast installed base of Solaris servers that were deployed in 2000 and early 2001. These Solaris machines are looking a little long in the tooth and are due for upgrading after being in the field for four or five years. READ MORE >
Scali Extends Linux Cluster Management to Storage
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Linux cluster management software maker Scali said this week it has updated its Scali Manage and MPI Connect software for managing Linux clusters so it can reach beyond the cluster and manage the storage associated with a Linux cluster. By adding support for storage, Scali is trying to make life easier for administrators of Linux clusters in the high performance computing market. READ MORE >
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VMware Sales Double As It Plots Future Virtualization
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
The VMware subsidiary of disk array maker EMC doesn't have to break out its financial information separately from its parent company, but because it is growing revenues at a triple-digit rate--which is a nice thing to be able to brag about--and because the company wants to justify the $625 million it spent to acquire the company in December 2003, EMC talks about how VMware, which creates workstation and server virtualization software, is doing each quarter. READ MORE >
Mad Dog 21/21: The Princess and IP
by Hesh Wiener
Hans Christian Andersen, the fabulous Dane, was born 200 years ago, on April 2, 1805. Hans Christian Ørsted, another Dane, was nearly 28 at the time. His brother, Anders Sandøe Ørsted, was not quite 27. The elder Ørsted, a physicist, discovered electromagnetism; the younger, more interested in the humanities, settled for becoming Denmark's third prime minister. Andersen, in his way, had the gifts of both. His stories speak to the soul in words a child can understand; yet he also appreciated science: He knew in many ways what makes communications work. RE
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But Wait, There's More
City of Munich Opts for Open Enterprise Server NetWare-Linux Hybrid on Servers . . . IBM Buys GlueCode, Open Source Middleware Supplier . . . Novell Acquires Linux Security Vendor Immunix . . . Michael Dell Invests Nearly $100 Million in Red Hat . . . Carmony Takes Over as Linspire CEO, Robertson Becomes Chairman . . . MontaVista Launches Carrier Grade Linux 4.0 . . . IBM Creates Security Appliance from OpenPower Linux Boxes . . . READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Thomas
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed

The Linux Beacon