Volume 2, Number 21 -- May 31, 2005
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Cash Hoard Calms Novell as It Books Another Loss
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Commercial Linux distributor Novell reported its financial results last week, and the company posted another loss as it tries to ramp up sales of open source products while its flagship NetWare platform continues to slide. Jack Messman, Novell's chairman and CEO, said the transition that Novell initiated when it bought SUSE and other open source developers is going as planned and that he expected Novell to start gaining market share in the server market over the next few years. READ MORE >
Server Market Is Solid in Q1, Says Gartner
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
The first quarter of any year is not usually one to brag about, but in 2005, the first quarter was not so bad. Not only were worldwide server shipments up by 10.7 percent to 1.745 million units, according to the box counters at IT market researcher Gartner, but aggregate revenues were also up by 4.1 percent to $12.33 billion. If server sales are any indicator of stability in the IT market, then the IT recovery we saw in late 2003 and through 2004 is under way. READ MORE >
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AMD Publishes Pacifica Virtualization Spec
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
At the end of March, chip maker Advanced Micro Devices said that it would be publishing the specification for the "Pacifica" instruction set virtualization technology that it will be embedding in its processors sometime during the first half of 2006. Last week, at the LinuxWorld Summit in New York, AMD did what it said and put the spec out there for all to see. READ MORE >
As I See It: IT, the Early Days
by Victor Rozek
If the name Wilhelm Schickard doesn't mean anything to you, you're probably not alone. After all, the man has been dead for nearly 400 years. But while he was with us, Wilhelm was an accomplished fellow, managing to get his BA at the age of 17, and his MA two years later. An eclectic scholar, Schickard became a Lutheran minister and professor of Aramaic and Hebrew at the University of Tubingen, where his curiosity eventually turned to the study of astronomy, surveying, and mathematics. READ MORE >
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But Wait, There's More
The Linux Revolution Comes to Cuba . . . Mainsoft Launches Visual Studio for Linux . . . OSDL Lays Off Some of Its Staff As It Goes Global . . . Gartner Says IT Staffs Will Contract by 15 Percent in Five Years . . . Red Hat, IBM Work Together on Linux Training . . . Two Top Intel Execs Jump Ship . . . IBM Pushes Grids for Economic Development . . . READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Thomas
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed

The Linux Beacon