Volume 2, Number 23 -- June 14, 2005
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Freed Fedora Foundation Might Get Participation Boost
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
As part of its Red Hat Summit two weeks ago, the commercial Linux distributor announced that it would be creating the Fedora Foundation, an organization separate from Red Hat that would control the contributions to various open source development projects that are currently under the sole control of the company. This move by Red Hat mirrors that of Sun Microsystems with its OpenSolaris development community, which goes live today. READ MORE >
Unisys Brings Utility Pricing to ES7000 Servers
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
The productization of capacity on demand computing is coming up on five years now, and even though the idea is intellectually appealing, it is still not the primary way that companies buy and deploy servers these days, not even among large enterprises that tend to try every new thing that comes along. Server maker Unisys wants to change this, and it plans to do it with a variant of the ES7000 Xeon and Itanium servers called the ES7000 RTCs. READ MORE >
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VMware Wants VMs to Be Modern Shrink Wrap for Software
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
In rolling out its VMware Technology Network last week, the server virtualization subsidiary of EMC not only expanded on the VCommunity development community it created about six months ago, but it also set itself up to do something truly interesting with a virtual machine that no one has talked about yet and which makes perfect sense once you hear it. VMware wants companies to distribute their software inside prepackaged virtual machines that are ready to run. In short, the company wants a VM to be the modern equivalent of a shrink-wrapped cardboard box--albeit something that is more useful than a piece of cardboard to put on a shelf. READ MORE >
Cool Stuff: Transitive Emulates Server Platforms on Other Iron
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
What if you could run Linux, Unix, and mainframe applications on the same box? What if that box could be powered by Itanium, Opteron, X86-X64, or Power/PowerPC processors? This would be pretty cool, right? And it would definitely shake up the server market. Well, a nearly magical piece of software called QuickTransit, created by a little known company called Transitive, does just such a thing, and that software is poised to change the server market in a big way. READ MORE >
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But Wait, There's More
Perens Joins SourceLabs as Developer Interface . . . Linux Networx Picks Seasoned Cray, SGI Exec as New CEO . . . Mandriva Provides Linux Site Licenses for Academia . . . Server Vendors Promote Command Line Standard for Server Management . . . Big Blue Promises to Open Up Cell Processor Specs . . . HP, IBM Jockey for the Lead in the Tape Market . . . AMR Says Small Manufacturers, Services Firms Looking at ERP Software Bigtime . . . READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Thomas
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed

The Linux Beacon