Volume 2, Number 31 -- August 16, 2005
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Novell Opens Up Development for SUSE Linux
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
While you could always get your hands on the source code behind SUSE Linux Professional version of the Linux operating system, the process that commercial Linux distributor Novell went through to create that bleeding-edge Linux was completely closed off. As expected, Novell last week said that it would be opening up the process whereby it develops its desktop and server implementations of the Linux platform through the establishment of the openSUSE project. READ MORE >
Opsware Creates Uber Shell for System Admins
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
For all of the advancement in systems management tools over the past two decades as we have gone through the minicomputer, client/server, and Internet revolutions, the dominant way that most system administrators in the world deal with the dozens or hundreds of machines they keep running every day is through an old-fashioned command line interface in an ASCII or EBCDIC shell. Rather than try to fight this trend and the overwhelming use of scripts by sysadmins to do routine tasks, Opsware has taken the shell and CLI to a whole new level with its new Global Shell. READ MORE >
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VMware Opens Up ESX Server Code to Partners
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Server and workstation virtualization software provider VMware announced last week that it would be opening up the source code to the family jewels in its software portfolio--the hypervisor at the heart of its top-end ESX Server. But don't get too excited about the EMC subsidiary taking on the open source Xen virtualization project in a head-on maneuver. Only key OEM partners--server makers, operating system suppliers, and others who create X86/X64 platforms--are going to get access to the ESX Server source code. READ MORE >
Intel Moves Paxville MP Chip Ahead into 2005, Adds DP Variant
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
If you are itching to get your hands on a dual-core Xeon processor for your workstation or server and you cannot wait until the next generation of Intel chips, chipsets, and platforms are ready, then Intel has something in the works that you can probably buy between now and Christmas. It's called the "Paxville" Xeon DP, and it is a placeholder 64-bit, dual-core Xeon chip that plugs into existing Xeon machines based on the "Lindenhurst" E7520 chipsets. Intel also announced that the Paxville MP variant would be ready early. READ MORE >
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But Wait, There's More
Intel to Debut New Chip Architecture at Fall IDF . . . Debian Distros Back Common Core Alliance . . . Sybase Gets Bundle Deal on IBM's Open Power Servers . . . Red Hat, HP Deliver Blade Server Bundle . . . OSDL Pushes Patent Commons Through New Initiative . . . Cray Names New CEO as It Posts Big Loss for Q2 . . . AMD to Ship SimNow to Simulate Future Opterons for Software Developers . . . READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Thomas
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed

The Linux Beacon