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OpenMFG Puts Out Version 1.3 of Open Source ERP
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Upstart and open source ERP software provider OpenMFG last week launched the latest release of its eponymous software package at the Open Source Business Conference held in San Francisco. While the open source community spends a lot of time obsessing about key infrastructure programs such as operating systems, middleware, and development tools, it is high time that open source ERP suites started bringing down the cost of these programs. And OpenMFG thinks it is just the company to do it. READ MORE >
HP's Restructurings Start to Pay Off in Profits in Q1
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
It is safe to say that Hewlett-Packard has had more than its share of drama in the IT market in the past five years, and if the first fiscal quarter ended January 31 is any measure, HP is going back to being a little more boring and steady--and making a little more money, too. This is a trade-off that HP was not only willing to make, but made on purpose when it ousted Carly Fiorina and replaced her with Mark Hurd last year. READ MORE >
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Sun Publishes Sparc T1 Specs, Chases Linux Port
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Some companies give lip service to whatever hot thing is driving the IT market, and others undergo a dramatic, full-scale, religious conversion when they get caught outside the mainstream. If a technology isn't nailed down, then Sun Microsystems seems bent on taking it open source. First Solaris, then the whole Sun software stack, and now the "Niagara" Sparc T1 processor. Sun provided the specs for the T1 chip last week at the Open Source Business Conference in San Francisco, and committed to releasing the T1 under the GNU General Public License. READ MORE >
IBM Fleshes Out p5 Line with More Power5+ Processors
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
As expected, IBM last week continued its revamping of its AIX-based System p5 line and its Linux-based OpenPower line with new servers sporting the Power5+ processor. IBM began equipping its pSeries machines with the Power5+ chips last fall in selected machines, and now everything but the big p5 595 servers, which span up to 64 cores, have the latest RISC processors from Big Blue. As part of the Power5+ announcements, IBM is also ditching the pSeries moniker, and its AIX servers are now called the System p5 machines. The Linux-only Power machines will still be called OpenPower servers, but why not System L to be consistent? READ MORE >
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We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >
Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Thomas
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed