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AMD's Green Grid Project to Educate IT on Power Issues
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
When you live with a Windows and Linux cluster, as I do, the last thing in the world you need is a lecture on heat, noise, and energy consumption in the data center. But, apparently, a lot of IT managers not only need to deal with the power and cooling issues of their IT infrastructure, they cannot find the information they need to help them cope when they do come to realize they have a problem. READ MORE >
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Novell Shells Out $72 Million to Buy e-Security
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Commercial Linux distributor Novell last week continued to build out the security features of its SUSE Linux by acquiring e-Security, a provider of automated compliance and reporting software, for $72 million. e-Security, which is based in Vienna, Virginia, was founded in 1999 and its Sentinel security event manager software is used by 150 companies, many of them very large organizations who have had their IT operations turned upside down by various government compliance regulations in the past year. READ MORE >
Intel Secures the PC with vPro Dual-Core Design
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
No matter what, you have to hand it to the top brass in the IT industry for one thing: always accentuating the positive. Here chip giant Intel stands in the middle of this storm: PC sales in decline, a new Core chip architecture on the way but not yet here, the future "Longhorn" Windows Vista desktop operating system delayed and Linux not yet a credible growth engine on the desktop, and rival AMD not just nipping at its heels, but firmly lock-jawed on its calf muscles like a pit bull. READ MORE >
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Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >
Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Thomas
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed
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