I hope you can help me to pass this information
along. My name is Brandy Duvernet, I am a research coordinator for InFoCo,
inc. We are an independent market research company. We put
together focus groups for market research and for that purpose only--never will
we use your information or participation as any type of sales attempt. I
am sending this to you and requesting that you post or pass along to any members
you think may be interested.
Currently we are putting together a focus group in
Chicago on December 16. The subject of the focus group is Linux
development within ISV companies. We are looking for people with the
responsibility to direct coding, testing, and support practices for their
company. We are seeking the opinion only of participants.
The focus groups will be at 5:30 PM or 7:30
PM. Each group will consist of a 12 member panel. Each member will
be paid $175 at the time of the meeting in appreciation for their time and
opinion. The meeting will last for no more than 2 hours.
Once again, this is strictly market research.
Feel free to contact me via email or telephone if
you are interested or have any questions. Thank you for your
Best Regards,