Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 20:59:12 -0800 (PST)
From:"CNET Membership" <>
Subject: Tech toy of the future, plus Linux in-depth guide offer CNET Membership newsletter
CNET Membership newsletter February 17, 2004 

The 5 that matter

Dear CNET members:
Many of you came up with great ideas for this week's question; now if only I could find my darn transmitter key. Here's the winner:

1 What will be the next high-tech gadget you won't be able to live without?

The universal infrared key. Imagine the transmitter you use to unlock most new cars, but go further: one that would open the door to your house, apartment, mailbox, office, cabinets, and more--preferably all in one small, oval-shaped gadget (no more heavy key chains!).

--Submitted by member: Carlene C. from Coventry, RI
Please click here to check out Carlene's full response.

For her efforts, we're sending her a copy of our PC Troubleshooting Learning CD.

Check out next week's question:

Help! I'm running Linux on my PC, and I've lost my root password. Is there anything I can do?

--Submitted by member: Chris S., Boston, MA

We feature a new question every Monday. If you have the answer, e-mail us at If we choose your response, you'll get a free CD. Click here for Q&A submission guidelines

Lee Koo
CNET Community
Got suggestions? E-mail me:

Have a question?
E-mail us a question on one of our upcoming topics:
Web design
PC troubleshooting
Digital cameras
Home theater
Microsoft Office

Need help right away? Come and join our lively community forums for all the tech help and how-tos.

Will you ever use Linux on your desktop?

Yes I already do...I'm a Penguin lover!
No, Windows forever.
Maybe when Linux's bugs are squashed.
Mac! We Mac users will never change.

The top reason I want/bought a digital camera is:
Freedom from film! 56%
It's easier to e-mail photos 32%
I like to add special effects 7%
To post photos on the Web 5%

Considerations before moving to Linux
File system basics, booting and shutting down
Working in X Windows, Red Hat Linux
Managing a Linux server, performance tuning
Linux network administration
Enhancing system performance
Apache Web Server administration
Security practices
And much more...
Order your copy of's Linux Fundamentals Learning CD today.

Learn more -- view free content
1 Carpal tunnel syndrome--be aware!
Spending too much time on the computer? Be aware that repetitive motions can lead to a serious injury. Join our member discussion to get tips from members on how to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. More from the Computer Newbies forum

1 Sharper shots with your digital camera
Learn how to prevent shooting blurry digital photos. If you currently experience fuzzy motion shots, check out this discussion. CNET members provide tips on what causes blurry photos and how to eliminate the problem. Join our forum discussion now. More from the Digital Cameras forum

  Personal Tech Radar
Join our vibrant online community -- browse hundreds of discussions, ranging from computer troubleshooting to technical product help and how-tos. It's your community, so get involved now!

1. Windows XP

2. Computer Help

3. Speakeasy

4. Windows 98/95

5. PC Hardware
6. Windows Me
7. Computer Newbies
8. Web Design
9. Cell Phones
10.Virus & Security


Personal Tech Radar
Your CNET membership always gives a discount on Learning CDs, which let you quickly build your skills in Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Linux, Office XP, Web development, and much more.
Home Theater SuperGuide
Get the inside scoop on all the tricks and terminology you need to know to master the secrets of Home Theater.
View sample content now
PC Maintenance 101
This comprehensive CD-ROM provides tutorials and software that let you precisely analyze and repair your computer.
View sample content now
Digital Camera SuperGuide
Get expert advice on buying and using digital cameras from's comprehensive new guide.
View sample content now

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