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 | Subject: | [ Articles] March 19, 2002 |
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 | Date: | Tue, 19 Mar 2002 04:06:07 -0500 | Newsletter

March 18, 2002
Weekly Wrapup
Weekly news wrap-up: Microsoft threatens to scrap Windows, KDE programming spat
- By Grant Gross - The Open Source community was engaged in two huge flaps this week, one concerning threats by a major Linux competitor to discontinue its products and one concerning accusations that development on KDE, a major Open Source desktop project, is broken.
Weekly news wrap-up: GPL faces court test, Sun faces more Open Source critics
- By Grant Gross - Two companies with Free Software ties faced off in court this week, in what the Free Software Foundation is calling the first court test of the GNU General Public License, the popular license that Linux and many other Free Software products are released under. In the case, MySQL AB is asking that NuSphere stop using the MySQL trademark because of alleged GPL violations.
Weekly news wrap-up: DMCA shuts down gaming server, DeCSS decision to be reviewed
- By Grant Gross - Court action and threats of court action seemed to dominate the news this week. Bnetd, an Open Source gaming server, was shut down this week because of threats by gaming company Blizzard Entertainment, but there was better news for those who've linked to the DeCSS Linux DVD-playing code.
Weekly news wrap-up: Questioning Sun's commitment to Linux
- By Grant Gross - There are still lingering questions about Sun Microsystems' commitment to Linux, after the company announced in early February a bunch of new Linux initiatives and one Sun executive declared the move was part of a "war on Microsoft."
Debian Weekly News
jochem writes: "On the Debian internet site the 7th edition of the Debian Weekly News can be read. This weeks opening feature is the soon-to-be-held election for Debian Leader."
Weekly news wrap-up: Sun embraces Linux, public doesn't embrace Microsoft
- By Grant Gross - Sun Microsystems this week announced new initiatives designed to embrace Linux, including, apparently, a Sun-produced Linux operating system. The details are a still a bit sketchy, but the initiatives would also "broaden the offerings of Linux on low-end Sun servers."
Weekly news wrap-up: More ties than T-shirts at LinuxWorld
- By Grant Gross - Several commentators attending the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo in New York this week noted that it was all business. Our own Tina Gasperson noted IBM's "Linux is real business" campaign, but suggested that more business converts to Linux isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Weekly news wrap-up: Lindows beta released; Loki mourned
- By Grant Gross - One company related to the Linux desktop pulled the plug this week, while another finally released an early version of its product. NewsForge's Tina Gasperson got a sneak peak at the LindowsOS sneak preview, while leading Linux gaming company Loki Entertainment Software shut down.
Weekly news wrap-up: AOL looking to buy Red Hat?
- By Grant Gross - The big news this week came in the form of an unattributed Washington Post report saying AOL Time Warner was in negotiations to buy Red Hat, the leading Linux distribution in the United States.
Weekly news wrap-up: Linux offers new desktop options
- By Grant Gross - It was a Linux desktop kind of news week. Our own Robin "Roblimo" Miller reviewed the Internet Computer from OEone, which he says is so easy it makes using an iMac look tough. And among the predictions for 2002, PC Magazine suggested Linux would "emerge as a true desktop operating system." Perhaps the editors there got a sneak peak at the OEone machine?
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