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Editor's Note: Sizing Up The Competition
For more than a year now, I watched with a great deal of interest
as many East Asian nations steadily deepened their relationships
with open-source software. Private businesses, academic and
research organizations, and governments across the region have
waded into the open-source waters, either on their own or with
some encouragement from above. As so many others have discovered,
open-source software is at its most effective when it finds its
way to people and organizations who can't afford proprietary
software and the latest hardware and who enjoy opportunities they
wouldn't have otherwise.
This has been an evolutionary shift for the most part, but that
may have changed this week. For the first time, I saw what might,
when I look back someday with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, be
a major shift in the balance of technological potential in the
To cite an easy example, it long seemed likely that Microsoft would
have a hard time penetrating the two biggest markets with the greatest
long-term potential: China and India. Now, after seeing these two
nations moving towards common, or at least cooperative, IT policies, a
Western software company with a proprietary product seems even more
out of place. After all, no matter how much Microsoft discounts
WindowsXP or works to improve its public image, it is still a foreign
corporation with foreign shareholders to satisfy. It simply can't turn
over its intellectual property in order to spawn a generation of
future competitors, even if for some reason the notion ever crossed
its mind.
Happily enough, that job falls by default to Mozilla, and Apache,
and any one of a dozen localized Linux distros fueling what will
be an explosion of technology innovation within the next five to
ten years. The people who use these products--and hack these
products--used to think of software as something that came
shrink-wrapped from the United States, either absurdly priced or
blatantly pirated. Today, they have a chance to see software, and
technology in general, as something for them to make, to own, and
to control for their own benefit. I think it's hard for us to
wrap our minds around the difference between those two positions,
but it's important to try.
At the same time, the Chinese government is now making crystal
clear what I saw coming a year ago: Microsoft will never have
access to the Chinese market on anything like workable terms, if
they have access to it at all. I think it's clear that Microsoft
also won't profit much from the future growth of India's IT
sector, its government and academic computing initiatives, or
(someday, and then on a vast scale) its consumer mass-markets.
These are the two most populous nations on earth, both with
largely poor but relatively well-educated populations, and it now
seems likely that they will enrich not Microsoft or any other
foreign company, but rather a generation of home-grown software
entrepreneurs. Considering that these people have a lot more at
stake than whether the shareholders get a dividend this quarter,
it's hard not to find yourself pulling for them--even if someday
we're likely to find ourselves scrapping with the best of them
for every dollar of overseas business that we once took so
blithely for granted.
Matthew McKenzie
Editor, Linux Pipeline
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Editor's Picks
Sino-Indian Tech Pact Likely To Have Long Reach
Asia could become a hotbed for technological innovation, and a
major obstacle to U.S. hegemony, if China and India cooperate in
developing their computer industries, say international
technology and business experts.
Applications: The Next Open-Source Opportunity
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likely to seek out find new challenges creating core business
applications--and smaller firms stand to reap the benefits, says
one open-source pioneer and software executive.
The $40 Million Question For SCO
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SCO cash flow analysis I mentioned in a prior column. "The real
shame," he said, "is [SCO] built up a huge cash reserve in 2003
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JBoss Turns Open-Source Risks Into Business Opportunities
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Stanford Professor Slams Software Patents
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Review: Pervasive Postgres 8
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Sun's Schwartz Equates GPL With 'Colonialism'
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Wagner Opines: No, Thunderbird Just Stinks
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Microsoft's Mantra: Variety Is The Spice Of Licensing
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likely to expand customer access to the program, as well as
increasing the number of products involved. In addition, he said,
open-source licensing may be a practical solution for aging
products not under active development but still potentially
useful to the community.
Voting Booth: Does OpenOffice Have The Right Stuff?
Cast Your Vote Now!
A few weeks ago, I wrote about some of the concerns I had about
the direction is taking with some of its key
marketing and development efforts. This week, it's your turn: Is a real alternative to Microsoft Office, or is it a
poor imitation of the real thing?
We'll tally up the votes for next week's newsletter. Now quit
wasting your time doing real work, get over to Linux Pipeline,
and vote!
Poll Results
As for the previous poll, asking where you like to get your IT
news: We're waiting to hear from a few more Pipeline sites to
total the votes. You're dying of suspense, aren't you?
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