From: | "Network Computing Newsletter" <>
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Subject: | Network Computing Report #251 |
 | Date: | Mon, 3 Jun 2002 12:03:01 -0400 (EDT) |
Network Computing Report #251
Monday, June 3, 2002
Our expanded, weekly SAC newsletter is smartly filtered, employing
security experts to extract only relevant security threats for our IT
professional readers. Sign up today!
This week, read about the latest technology boons for wireless LANs.
Plus, check out our review of WLAN security products, including our
editors' pick.
If you're looking for a daily peek into all online goings on, be sure
to bookmark our Weblog, the Network Computing Daily Blog.
As always, please feel free to message us directly if you have any
comments or questions (
Best regards,
--The Network Computing Report Team
In This Issue:
1) Newsletter Specials
2) BuzzCut
3) The Daily Blog
4) Webcasts (Requires RealPlayer)
5) Feature: Wireless LANs Reach the Last Hurdle
6) Review: Elite Solution Secures WLANs
7) Centerfold: Firm Plots Legal Battles From Makeshift VPN Sites
8) Buyer's Guide: Read and Burn, Baby, Burn
9) Sneak Preview: Forgent's VNP
10) Sneak Preview: Empirix's FirstACT
11) Top of the Stack: Broadband Growing Out of Control
12) Down to Business: Wrestling With Indecision
13) Letters
14) CMP Marketplace
15) Latest IT Professional Downloads
16) Subscription Information
1) Newsletter Specials
a) Five-Minute Workout: Authentication
If you find yourself suddenly thrust into the role of security
manager, don't worry. Use our streaming media workout to learn the ins
and outs of securing access to your network resources. Along the way,
you'll learn some techniques for effectively managing differing
identities, such as user name/password, security tokens and, of
course, biometric measurements. Sponsored by Rainbow Technologies.
b) TechQuiz: Intrusion Detection
Test your expertise on tracking down cagey hackers by taking our
TechQuiz. If you outsmart our technical editors by answering all the
questions correctly, you could win a color Palm handheld from our
sponsor, Symantec.
c) Network Design Manual: Part 2: Global Server Load Balancing
Part 2 of our latest book excerpt from Scot Hull's "Content Delivery
Networks: Web Switching for Security, Availability, and Speed"
(McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, February 2002) describes how GSLB
technology solutions provide a higher level of service for your
d) Compare IT: Backup-Recovery Software
For your next storage purchasing decision, use Compare IT's
side-by-side interactive product features chart and get quotes from
Hewlett-Packard, IBM Tivoli and Veritas Software.
e) Network Computing's Reader Poll Now Closed
Thanks to everyone who took our online survey about life in the IT
fast lane. Winners of three MP3 players will be chosen from among
those who took the poll and will be announced on or about June 15.
Stay tuned!
f) A Good Year for Customers?
How is 2002 shaping up for database and enterprise software customers?
The database market has cutthroat competition. InformationWeek
editors, in partnership with analysts at Morgan Stanley, are
conducting a brief survey to learn more about your database and
enterprise software deployment plans. Please take our fast,
confidential survey. Your response enters you in a drawing for one of
three $100 checks or a digital camera.
2) BuzzCut: Sun Looks to Linux now...for RISC Customers Later
By Lori MacVittie
Sun is finally catching on to what IBM and Hewlett-Packard figured out
more than a year ago and what Microsoft has known all along: Mind
share now equals market share later. Hence, there's no longer a reason
to put off a move to Linux APIs.
3) The Daily Blog
a) Signs of a Maturing WLAN Market
Network managers can at last say yes to WLAN deployment requests from
users. Dave Molta goes on record about the importance of having
technology management policies in place so that deploying, managing
and troubleshooting is not such a monumental headache.
b) Don't Get Googled
If you've never had a good reason to monitor the accuracy of your
robots.txt file, we have three words for you...Mesa Verde Motel.
4) Webcasts (Requires RealPlayer)
a) The CEO Minute: Company 51
With a somewhat spooky backdrop conjured up by the company's name,
Brad Shimmin interviews Company 51 execs Steve Hofmeyr and John Zicker
and discovers their plans to employ crossover research on the human
immune system to solve security issues.
b) Inside Network Computing
Go beyond the headlines of this issue's cover story on wireless
networks. Brad Shimmin chats with author Dave Molta about how to
evaluate wireless network security.
c) This Week at Network Computing
This week, Mike and Brad debate the recent move to create an
anti-Red-Hat Linux distribution. Should Debian, TurboLinux and SuSe
join forces? Tune in to find out.
5) Feature: Wireless LANs Reach the Last Hurdle
By Dave Molta
WLANs have become faster, more manageable and more interoperable. Now,
new hardware and software solutions provide real security in the wake
of WEP's downfall.
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Wireless LANs white papers.
Research Wireless LAN products and vendors.
6) Review: Elite Solution Secures WLANs
By Cornell W. Robinson III and Dave Molta
SMC's well-rounded EliteConnect System came out on top in our tests
thanks to its excellent client support, extensive feature set, and
superior configuration and management tools. But its rivals can move
quickly in a rapidly evolving wireless environment.
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Wireless LANs white papers.
Research Wireless LAN products and vendors.
7) Centerfold: Firm Plots Legal Battles From Makeshift VPN Sites
By Kelly Jackson Higgins
Law firm Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal calls it the war room. Even
though it's a temporary office, it works just like any other site on
the firm's VPN.
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Network Security white papers.
Research Network Security products and vendors.
8) Buyer's Guide: Read and Burn, Baby, Burn
By Steven J. Schuchart Jr.
Are you having trouble choosing the right DVD burner for your company?
Here's a guide to DVD technologies and standards.
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Storage Media white papers.
9) Sneak Preview: Forgent's VNP
By Darrin Woods
Rest easy about configuring your videoconferencing system. Forgent's
improved video network platform includes a smart graphical interface
for creating calls.
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Videoconferencing Hardware white papers.
Research Videoconferencing Systems products and vendors.
10) Sneak Preview: Empirix's FirstACT
By Lori MacVittie
Now even nontechnical users can test Web services. Although FirstACT
requires the installation of third-party software, the upside is its
inclusion of excellent WSDL support.
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Web Applications Software white papers.
11) Top of the Stack: Broadband Growing Out of Control
By David Willis
A successful remote-office broadband policy starts with the
recognition that IT cannot control public networks.
12) Down to Business: Wrestling With Indecision
By Rob Preston
"How many of your company's strategic IT projects are in limbo because
no one in authority is willing to make a difficult or unpopular
13) Letters
"Every one of these ventures...was defeated by people spouting
nonsense instead of getting down to business." --David Hyman, DLH
14) CMP Marketplace
Online analysis of your network's susceptibility to time
related failures. Receive an immediate report tailored
specifically to your network. Learn why reliable, secure
and accurate time may be essential in your network operations.
Raritan is the premier manufacturer of KVM switches for centralized,
out-of-band access to 2 to 10,000 servers. Paragon enables access to
thousands of servers, supporting connections up to 1,000 feet with a
Category 5 cable. To see the power of remote KVM Access Over Web
with TeleReach,Visit
and sign up for a live demo!
to enter the Palm m505 drawing.
Server Technology's new Zero-u & rack mount Sentry Power Tower product
family integrate up to 30-amps of power distribution, Power-up
sequencing of
outlets, Input Current of the amperage load on the power circuit,
functions of power outlets and individually addressable outlets for a
reboot of a selected server or network device.
15) Latest IT Professional Downloads
Find some of the newest files in IT Pro's collection of shareware,
utility and demo downloads for network and IT professionals below. If
you would like to see more downloads and begin receiving the latest
info on hot new utilities, packs and jewels, sign-up for our free,
weekly IT Pro Downloads newsletter.
a) Solo Antivirus 2.5
Detect and disinfect all types of viruses with Solo Antivirus. It
contains a unique System Integrity Checker to protect you from new
Internet worms, backdoor programs, and malicious VB and Java scripts.
Download at:
Size: 1662k
Platform: Windows 95 or 98
Licensing: Shareware; $24.95
b) Surf Safe Pilot 1.10
Surf Safe Pilot lets you easily and completely remove all traces of
viewed Web pages from your computer's hard drive so it will be clean
and safe.
Download at:
Size: 724k
Platform: Windows 95, 98 or NT
Licensing: Shareware; $25
By using IT Pro Downloads you agree to these terms of use.
Our expanded, weekly SAC newsletter is smartly filtered, employing
security experts to extract only relevant security threats for our IT
professional readers. Sign up today!
16) Subscription Information
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Subscribe Today! Network Computing's Security Alert Consensus, created
in conjunction with The SANS Institute, is a free, customizable
newsletter that gives you concise, timely, accurate and authoritative
data on security holes, exploits, patches and workarounds -- all
delivered directly to you from the industry's brightest and best
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Look for the next Network Computing newsletter on Monday, June 10,
Copyright (c) 2002 Network Computing, a CMP Media LLC publication.
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