From: | "Network Computing Newsletter" <>
|  |
Subject: | Network Computing Report #252 |
 | Date: | Mon, 10 Jun 2002 09:56:53 -0400 (EDT) |
Network Computing Report #252
Monday, June 10, 2002
Today's complex storage area networks can be a navigational
nightmare. SANavigator(TM) has all the storage network discovery,
planning, configuring and monitoring tools you need to simplify
SAN management. SANavigator identifies all devices, regardless
of vendor or protocol, and automates day-to-day management and
reporting tasks. This modular software solution increases business
continuity, optimizes resources, minimizes risk, and maximizes
productivity. Send for our free demo CD at
and see how easy SAN management can be.
This week, we take a hard look at four security-enhanced Linux
distributions. After cracking our whips, our testers raised Guardian
Digital's hand for their offering. Find out why.
Also, our workshop shows you what you need to know about the
technology of MPLS VPNs.
If you're looking for a daily peek into all online goings on, be sure
to bookmark our Weblog, the Network Computing Daily Blog.
As always, please feel free to message us directly if you have any
comments or questions (
Best regards,
--The Network Computing Report Team
In This Issue:
1) Newsletter Specials
2) BuzzCuts
3) The Daily Blog
4) Webcasts (Requires RealPlayer)
5) Review: Hardened Linux Puts Hackers EnGarde
6) Workshop: MPLS VPNs: The Real Deal
7) Sneak Preview: Palm Bluetooth SDIO Card and D-Link Bluetooth
USB Adapter
8) Online-Only Sneak Preview: JP Mobile's SureWave Mail
9) Interactive Buyer's Guide: DVD Readers and Burners
10) Quick Takes
11) The Business of IT: IT Burnout or Office Space Case?
12) The Inside Story: Bending Your Ear on Security
13) CMP Marketplace
14) Latest IT Professional Downloads
15) Subscription Information
1) Newsletter Specials
a) TechQuiz: Intrusion Detection
Test your expertise when it comes to tracking down crafty hackers by
taking our TechQuiz. This is your last chance to outsmart our
technical editors on this topic, so don't delay! By answering all the
questions correctly, you could win a color Palm handheld from our
sponsor, Symantec.
b) Tech Library White Paper Spotlight: Automated Management Solutions
Read how eleven companies realized actual cost savings through our
sponsor Concord's eHealthTM Suite of products. The companies in the
white paper reduced IT support time and reporting time on networks,
systems and applications.
c) Compare IT: Wireless LAN Bridges
Use Compare IT to evaluate the hottest wireless LAN bridge products.
Featured vendors include Cisco Systems, Enterasys Networks, Proxim
and Wave Wireless Networking.
d) Five-Minute Workout: Authentication
Use our streaming media workout to learn the ins and outs of securing
access to your network resources. Along the way, you'll learn some
techniques for effectively managing differing identities such as user
name/password, security tokens, and of course biometric measurements.
Sponsored by Rainbow Technologies.
e) TechCareers Takes You to the Next Professional Level
Our job board has thousands of IT-specific openings posted by
companies looking for top-notch professionals. You can also post your
resume and browse this employment portal for other career-related
information, including benefits negotiations, retirement news, company
profiles and more.
f) EVENT: NetSeminar
Gaining Business Advantage Through Selective IT Outsourcing
Interested in how intelligent and selective IT outsourcing can help
you meet specific business needs in a dynamic marketplace -- without
breaking the budget or giving up control? Attend our NetSeminar on
July 17.
For more information.
To register.
2) BuzzCuts
a) Addition by Subtraction
By Ron Anderson
Novell is adding features through subtraction by removing ZENworks'
reliance on Client32. You might decide that the benefits of doing
without Client32 outweigh security risks, but make this decision with
your eyes open.
b) An Apple of Your Eye?
By Michael J. DeMaria
It's clear Apple shelled out some good R&D money on Xserve. Is it
enough to persuade companies to buy Macs instead of Linux on Intel?
c) WiFi and Bluetooth Together? It's Blue 802.
By Dave Molta
When it comes to wireless, coexistence is an ambiguous term,
especially where 802.11b WiFi and Bluetooth are concerned.
3) The Daily Blog
a) SMIL for Normal People
If you've ever tried to navigate your way through code for a 30-minute
SMIL-based streaming show, you know what a confusing standard SMIL
can be, especially when you combine multiple audio, video, and slide
sources. Well, Fabio Arciniegas at O'Reilly has done all of us at
SMIL-Anonymous a favor by writing a nice blog entry entitled "A
Realist's SMIL Manifesto." Amen brother.
b) On the Road Again
Brad Shimmin heads out on a cross-country drive from Salt Lake City to
Boston and uses the Daily Blog as his journal, with photos, tips, and
Jack Kerouac-esque insights into this great country of ours.
4) Webcasts*
a) The CEO Minute: Company 51
With a somewhat spooky backdrop conjured up by the company's name,
Brad Shimmin interviews Company 51 execs Steve Hofmeyr and John Zicker
and discovers their plans to employ crossover research in the human
immune system to solve security issues.
b) Inside Network Computing
Go beyond the headlines of this issue's wireless networks cover story.
Brad Shimmin chats with author Dave Molta about how to evaluate
wireless network security.
*Note, these Webcasts require RealPlayer.
5) Review: Hardened Linux Puts Hackers EnGarde
By Patrick Mueller
When it comes to Web-facing servers, security is Job 1. And when it
comes to OSs for those servers, you can't get much safer than hardened
Linux. We put four security-enhanced Linux distributions through their
paces and found that Guardian Digital's offering combines
comprehensive security with high-level usability.
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Network Security white papers.
Research Network Security products and vendors.
6) Workshop: MPLS VPNs: The Real Deal
By Bruce Boardman
As xSPs increasingly provision enterprise WAN circuits using MPLS,
enterprises will likely be negotiating end-to-end SLAs for these
services. Here's what you should know about the technology.
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Network Management white papers.
Research Network Management products and vendors.
7) Sneak Preview: Palm Bluetooth SDIO Card and D-Link Bluetooth
USB Adapter
By Richard Hoffman
We tested a Palm Bluetooth SDIO card and D-Link Bluetooth USB adapter,
and found they allow almost universal wireless connectivity for Palm
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Wireless Development Tools white papers.
Research Wireless products and vendors.
8) Online-Only Sneak Preview: JP Mobile's SureWave Mail
By Cornell W. Robinson III
You know the headache you get when users ask you how they can send
And receive e-mail from their Palms, cell phones and PCs? Well, JP
Mobile's new synchronization product, SureWave Mail, could ease your
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Wireless Development Tools white papers.
Research Wireless products and vendors.
9) Interactive Buyer's Guide: DVD Readers and Burners
For data management and storage needs, our latest guide focuses on DVD
products. Use it to compare DVD read and write speeds, SCSI and IDE
interfaces and external devices requiring separate power.
Read more articles on this subject.
Download Storage Media white papers.
10) Quick Takes
This issue, we look at these hot products:
* Avocent SPC800 and SPC1600
* Digital V6 Kaveman PWR8
* Speedcom Wireless SpeedLAN 9000
* Radware Configware Insite
11) The Business of IT: IT Burnout or Office Space Case?
By Jonathan Feldman
Recently several people have told me they'd rather stick needles
in their eyes than stay in the IT field. I mean, once you've configured
firewall No. 8,308, it's kind of hard to get excited about configuring
No. 8,309. Is job rotation, a la the U.S. Army, the answer?
12) The Inside Story: Bending Your Ear on Security
By James Hutchinson
With all the backlash against Microsoft for selling bug-infested code,
let's expand the target and question every vendor that pushes insecure
software and hardware. Get out there and talk security with all who
will listen and even those who won't.
13) CMP Marketplace
Free Catalog!! The UltraLink - Rose Electronics
answer to Modem & Ethernet remote access! KVM access over IP
technology allows you to access, control & provide computer
maintenance from anywhere in the world. When combined with Rose
KVM switch technology, server management administrators can have
faster access saving time and money. Click here to receive your
free catalog:
Rose Electronics:
Network Instruments is the developer of the Observer® line of high
performance network management products that offer the ability to
troubleshoot and manage all shared and switched LANs/WLANs/WANs,
including providing long-term trending and analysis.
Raritan is the premier manufacturer of KVM switches for centralized,
out-of-band access to 2 to 10,000 servers. Paragon enables access to
thousands of servers, supporting connections up to 1,000 feet with a
Category 5 cable. To see the power of remote KVM Access Over Web
with TeleReach,Visit
and sign up for a live demo!
to enter the Palm m505 drawing.
ONLINE AUCTION Assets of HarvardNet Multi Million Dollar Valuation!!
(43) HVAC Units • (19) United Power PDU’s (13) UPS Systems •
Metropolitan Copper
Switch Gear(155) Turnstone Copper Cross Connect Chassis (14) Larkin Dry
Bidding will take place online June 17-June 21, 2002 Equipment will be
onsite from June 12-14 from 9:00am to 4:00pm at 256 Marginal Street in
East Boston
or by appointment To view Equipment, Photos & Register:
For further information or to make an appointment for inspection,
call Lance Surovik:(512) 327-9925
14) Latest IT Professional Downloads
Find some of the newest files in IT Pro's collection of shareware,
utility and demo downloads for network and IT professionals below.
If you would like to see more downloads and begin receiving the latest
info on hot new utilities, packs and jewels, sign-up for our free,
weekly IT Pro Downloads newsletter.
a) FreeEncrypt4Outlook 1.0
FreeEncrypt for Outlook 1.0 is a free software tool for easily
encrypting e-mail. It is tightly integrated with Microsoft Outlook
2000 or later.
Download at:
Size: 387k
Platform: Windows 95, 98 or NT
Licensing: Shareware; $29.95
b) AntiFirewall for FTP, News, IRC, ICQ, E-mail 1.0
Connect to newsgroups, FTP, IRC, ICQ and e-mail (POP/IMAP) even
if you are behind a firewall blocking access to these
AntiFirewall will penetrate the firewall and connect to the Internet
address of your choice, making it possible for you to read and post to
news and use FTP, IRC, ICQ from behind the firewall.
Download at:
Size: 378k
Platforms: Win 95, 98 or NT
Licensing: Shareware; $35
By using IT Pro Downloads you agree to these terms of use.
Today's complex storage area networks can be a navigational
nightmare. SANavigator(TM) has all the storage network discovery,
planning, configuring and monitoring tools you need to simplify
SAN management. SANavigator identifies all devices, regardless
of vendor or protocol, and automates day-to-day management and
reporting tasks. This modular software solution increases business
continuity, optimizes resources, minimizes risk, and maximizes
productivity. Send for our free demo CD at
and see how easy SAN management can be.
15) Subscription Information
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Subscribe Today! Network Computing's Security Alert Consensus, created
in conjunction with The SANS Institute, is a free, customizable
newsletter that gives you concise, timely, accurate and authoritative
data on security holes, exploits, patches and workarounds -- all
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Look for the next Network Computing newsletter on Monday, June 17,
Copyright (c) 2002 Network Computing, a CMP Media LLC publication.
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