Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 15:02:21 -0500 (EST)
From:"NWC Online" <>
Subject: NWC Online #2.44 / Web Analytics Project Debut
-- Network Computing Online #2.44 --
Your Online IT Resource
Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Focus on... Application Performance Management
Want to learn more about Application Performance Management?
Check out these sponsored links from Compuware Corporation.
Preview the latest application service management solution:
Implementing SLAs: Tools for Success:
Spring is just around the corner, so we thought we'd welcome this
eagerly awaited season by breathing fresh air into Network Computing
Online. Beginning with this issue and continuing for the next few
we'll be revamping this newsletter and its companion, Network Computing
Report, with the single aim of helping you locate site content more
quickly. This week, we're focusing on accessibility and speed. So
take a moment and look through our newsletter, then let us know what
think via a short survey online. We'll heed your advice in the next
Best regards and thanks in advance for your participation and help,
--The Network Computing Online Team
Here's what the editors have cooking at this week:
1) NWC Project: Web Analytics Review
2) YackITyYack
- TechQuiz: Storage
- Storage E-Poll
- Top 11: Paper Computers
- Linux A-List Submissions
- Web Logs: The Daily Blog
- Forums: Ask the Experts
3) Editors' Picks
- Pipelines
- White Paper Pick: VXA: Reliable Tape Backup for the SMB Market
4) Download Mania
5) Eye on Security
- Alertcon
- Security Threat Watch
6) Dare to Compare
- Compare IT: Cache Switches
- Interactive Buyer's Guide: Wiring Closet UPS Systems
7) Subscription Information
1) NWC Project: Web Analytics Review
You are cordially invited to a behind-the-scenes tour of Bruce
Boardman's upcoming--and very ambitious--review of Web analytic
Beginning today and running through the publication of Bruce's final
story in our July 28 issue, you can see this test evolve, even gaining
access to test data as it comes in. Plus, you can participate in the
review, helping us finalize our testing criteria and sharing with us
your enterprise Web traffic analysis experience. You may just find your
name in print.
2) YackITyYack
a) TechQuiz: Storage
There's still time to test your iSCSI and fibre channel know-how with
our latest quiz. If you can best our editors and get all the answers
right, we'll throw your name into the hat for a free, three-month
subscription to NewsGator's Online Services (a $59.85 value).
b) Storage E-Poll
Please take a few minutes to respond to our storage e-poll. Even if you
are not intimately involved with storage decisions within your
organization, we invite you to answer the questions as they pertain to
your role. Your answers will help us build our editorial content. We'll
share the anonymous results in an upcoming issue of Network Computing.
c) Top 11: Paper Computers
It's time for some future-tech. Tell us the Top 11 reasons disposable
paper (printed) PDAs and cell phones will never catch on. If we like
what we see, we'll print your entries online and in the magazine. We
can't promise any circuitry, though. Here are a couple of ideas to get
you started.
--Two words: Sweaty Palms.
--No room for idiotic flashing/blinking batteries and antennas.
--PS + Epson Print + Ink = counterfeit phones for everyone!
d) Linux A-List Submissions
Thanks to all of those who submitted their recommendations for our
A-List. We've added a few more choice entries from last week. Of
there's always room for more. So let us know which Linux applications
have found their way into your heart and enterprise.
e) Web Logs: The Daily Blog
1. Buffer Overflow, Coming to a PDF Near You
Just when you thought those nifty little PDFs were the next best thing
to, well, paper, along comes a rather nasty buffer overflow that allows
attackers to execute local code. According to an advisory posted by
NGSSoftware, the problem stems from the way an Acrobat reader attempts
to execute XML-savvy XFDF PDFs containing form data.
2. AutoZone, Meet the SCO Group
Well, it's official. Those whacky lawyers at the SCO Group have filed
suit against AutoZone for alleged copyright violations via the
use of Linux. We'll see how AutoZone responds, faced with a potential
extortion fee (did I say that out loud?) of nearly $700 per server.
3. Let MS Secure Your Mac
You've really got to be careful when you use stock art these days.
for example, Microsoft's Events and Webcasts page, which sports a happy
looking bloke, starring into what is obviously an Apple Titanium
f) Forums: Ask the Experts
ICS Disk Problem: I have set up a home network. When I try setting up
ICS, it works fine on the first computer, but the second computer
that there aren't any network adapters installed even though both
computers see each other and can share files.
3) Editors' Picks
a) Pipelines
CMP's TechWeb Network has launched three more Pipelines, bringing the
number to 11 since October 2003. Check out the three latest entries.
1. Desktop Pipeline
Connecting users to critical desktop operating system, application and
hardware knowledge.
2. Business Intelligence Pipeline
Helping IT departments put systems in place that help their companies
operate more efficiently.
3. Compliance Pipeline
Providing a simple, easy way to get comprehensive news and information
on all aspects of regulatory compliance issues.
b) Editors' White Paper Pick: VXA: Reliable Tape Backup for the SMB
Seeking reliable tape backup? Lost data or access to data can
impact business, but highly reliable backup and restoration
mitigate this risk. Learn how Exabyte's tape drive and cartridge
subsystem delivers a degree of proven high reliability at an affordable
Access more tape backup information in the Network Computing Tech
4) Download Mania
Here's a sampling from our IT PRO Downloads site.
a) Sekhol Finder 2.0
Sekhol Finder is a tool for automating deep searches on the Internet.
The application combines Web crawler functionality with advanced
keywords text search and logical analysis of a document layout.
Download at:
Size: 1300k
Platform: Windows 2000
Licensing: Shareware; $49
b) Zaep AntiSpam
Zaep AntiSpam eliminates 100 percent of the spam you receive without
added hassle of other anti-spam solutions.
Download at:
Size: 1025k
Platform: Windows 95, 98 or NT
Licensing: Shareware; $39.95
For more IT PRO downloads.
Note: By using IT Pro Downloads you agree to these terms of use.
5) Eye on Security
a) Alertcon
This week, we wanted to alert you to a vulnerability in ProFTPD, an
open-source FTP server software for Unix-based operating systems.
ProFTPD versions prior to 1.2.9rc3 are vulnerable to a buffer overflow
caused by off-by-one errors in the _xlate_ascii_write function.
Recommendation: Those running vulnerable versions are encouraged to
upgrade to the latest version of ProFTPD (1.2.9rc3 or later), which is
available from the ProFTPD Web site.
Find daily security notices here.
b) Security Threat Watch
There were two notable bugs last week. The first is a remotely
exploitable buffer overflow in Adobe Reader's parsing of XFDF files. A
malicious Web site can likely execute arbitrary code on a user's system
if he or she has a vulnerable version of Acrobat Reader installed. The
other bug was found in the GNU libxml/libxml2 library. A large,
reference URL can trigger a buffer overflow, which allows code
execution. This is only a problem if untrusted XML is passed to the
library for parsing. Since XML is an interoperability mechanism, the
scenario is highly likely.
Here's a selection of this week's vendor patches and updates.
Debian > DSA 452-1: libapache-mod-python
Fedora > FLSA-2004:1256: util-linux
Mandrake > MDKSA-2004:017: pwlib
Netwosix > LNSA-#2004-0004: libxml2
OpenLinux > CSSA-2004-006.0: fileutils/coreutils
SSRT3674 > IPsec/IKE
For more security alerts and information, sign up for our free Security
Threat Watch newsletter.
6) Dare to Compare
a) Compare IT: Cache Switches
Cache switches help to ensure availability, optimize utilization,
latency, increase scalability and enhance security for Web sites,
farms, cache clusters and firewall systems. Compare and get quotes from
Cisco, Extreme, Nortel and Radware.
b) Interactive Buyer's Guide: Wiring Closet UPS Systems
Powering your switches and routers via a wiring closet UPS system can
tricky business. Our latest guide highlights output load capacity and
estimated battery life as well as UPS dimensions to help with your
product selection.
Focus on... Application Performance Management
Want to learn more about Application Performance Management?
Check out these sponsored links from Compuware Corporation.
Preview the latest application service management solution:
Implementing SLAs: Tools for Success:
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