Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 13:23:06 -0400 (EDT)
From:"NWC Online" <>
Subject: Network Computing Online #2.60
-- Network Computing Online #2.60 --
Your Online IT Resource
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Join Transform Magazine for a FREE, on-demand TechWebCast on
New Options For Better Content Management. Hear a range of
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Here's what's cooking on NWC Online this week!
1) YackITyYack
- A Word With Cisco
- What's the State of the IT Industry?
- VoIP TechQuiz
- Top 11 List
- Quick Poll
- Asset Management E-Poll
- The Daily Blog: 3...2...1...Moo!
2) Editors' Picks
- Coming Soon! Intro to Hacking Blogging
- What's So Great About Grid?
- Momentum For WiMAX Building
- In the Line of Fire?
- White Paper: Enabling Profitable Metro Ethernet Services
3) Download Mania
- Mercurius
- DirSync Directory Synchronizer 2.0
4) Eye on Security
- Alertcon: gzip
- Security Threat Watch: Multiple Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities
5) Dare to Compare
- Compare IT: Firewall Products
6) Coming Events
- IntelligentPerformance Conference & Expo
Look for the next Network Computing Online newsletter on Tuesday, July
6, 2004!
1) YackITyYack
a) A Word With Cisco
Have you ever wished you could sit down with an executive from one of
Cisco's major product areas and just ask him/her any question that
to mind? Now is your chance. Network Computing editors will be
interviewing the top brass at Cisco in July, and we'd like to pose your
questions on your behalf. So if you'd like to know about the future of
wireless gear, how Cisco intends to improve its security support or
the company will finally integrate management across its product lines,
step right up and post your question. We'll take the best with us to
b) What's the State of the IT Industry?
Take our survey and help us find out! Are IT salaries going up or down?
Could your IT job be outsourced? Are companies taking security threats
seriously enough? Is your competition gearing up to spend now on
technology for an expected recovery? The editors of TechWeb's Pipeline
publications request three minutes of your time to take their anonymous
survey that addresses these questions. In exchange, all participants
complete the survey will be given the opportunity to receive an
executive summary of the results. C'mon, three minutes is all it takes.
c) VoIP TechQuiz
You've still got time to test your knowledge of voice over IP
with our latest quiz. If you can outsmart our editors when it comes to
converged voice and data networks, we'll throw your name into the hat
for a free NWC mug and/or a subscription to NewsGator's Online
d) Top 11 List
We're still looking for the "Top 11 creative ways to reduce IT
spending." Make us laugh -- or figure out a way to meet this year's
budget -- and we'll put your name and suggestion in the magazine and
online. Here are a few ideas from your fellow readers to get you
*Let all the desktops autologon, and voila! No more wasted time
resetting passwords! -- Jeff Meadows
*Outsource your Web hosting... to -- Dave Baldwin
e) Quick Poll
We value your opinions! Please take a few moments to complete our
Quick Poll. This week we ask, "What's morale like in your IT
f) Asset Management E-Poll
Network Computing's editorial team needs your help. A future issue of
the magazine will feature an in-depth look at asset management. The
we collect will be an important part of the upcoming issue. Please take
a few moments to complete our survey. Thanks for your participation!
g) The Daily Blog: 3...2...1...Moo!
Ultimately, this isn't actually that funny a story, but California cows
may have been exposed to unsafe levels of a chemical used in rocket
fuel, according to a new study.
Read more entries from The Daily Blog.
2) Editors' Picks
a) Coming Soon! Intro to Hacking Blogging
Check in with Keith Mackinen, technology editor of our sister
publication Secure Enterprise, as he embarks on his "Intro to Hacking"
course. Keith will post daily updates from July 5 through July 9.
b) What's So Great About Grid?
Grid computing, which has long satisfied the computational needs of
Street trading firms, is finally taking hold in other financial
c) Momentum For WiMAX Building
WiMAX attracted a lot of attention at Supercomm because of the
opportunities it offers both manufacturers and service providers.
d) In the Line of Fire?
Call and contact centers face intense pressure to manage costs, meet
regulations and hold off overseas competitors while expanding
investments and service offerings. Sound off about these issues and
more by joining the editors of CMP's Call Center magazine and Managing
Offshore, a monthly newsletter, in a groundbreaking new study.
e) White Paper: Enabling Profitable Metro Ethernet Services
Read this Alcatel white paper to help with the appropriate technology
choice for next-generation metro Ethernet networks. It provides a
comparison of the existing bridging model used to enable many of
metro Ethernet services with MPLS (multiprotocol label switching), the
leading candidate for large-scale metro network deployment
See all new white papers, Webcasts, case studies and product
in the Network Computing Tech Library.
3) Download Mania
Select files from IT Pro Downloads.
a) Mercurius
Mercurius is a Web search tool that helps you narrow search engine and
metasearch searches by listing keywords and phrases extracted from the
Web sites returned by a search. You can then repeat the search using
listed keywords you think are relevant, enabling you to reduce the
number of results and find what you want.
Download at:
Size: 1k
Platform: Windows
Licensing: Shareware; $15
b) DirSync Directory Synchronizer 2.0
DirSync is designed to back up or synchronize files and folders smartly
and quickly. It supports running as service, bi-directional sync,
scheduling, log, simulation, filtering, path variable, CRC32, etc.
Download at:
Size: 2k
Platform: Windows
Licensing: Shareware; $19.50
Note: By using IT Pro Downloads you agree to these terms of use.
4) Eye on Security
a) Alertcon: gzip
gzip (GNU zip) is an open-source data compression software that
a script called gzexe. The gzexe script insecurely creates temporary
files, and a local or remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability
to execute arbitrary commands on the system with user privileges.
For more information.
b) Security Threat Watch: Multiple Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities
A gaggle of problems in the Linux kernel could allow local attackers to
compromise the system. We also have seen rumors of more upcoming Linux
kernel problems, which are scheduled to be fixed in the next official
For more security alerts and information, sign up for our free Security
Threat Watch newsletter.
5) Dare to Compare
Compare IT: Firewall Products
Protect your network with today's firewall products. Research and get
quotes from top companies including Cisco, Nortel and WatchGuard.
6) Coming Events
IntelligentPerformance Conference & Expo
Hyatt Regency, La Jolla, CA
November 15-18, 2004
IntelligentPerformance is the first independent conference dedicated
exclusively to the technologies and practices that enable business
performance management. Produced expressly for senior business and IT
leaders who seek serious, in-depth education and interaction with their
peers, IntelligentPerformance will demonstrate how information and
analytics can maximize the efficiency of organizational decision-making
and action.
For more information.
Join Transform Magazine for a FREE, on-demand TechWebCast on
New Options For Better Content Management. Hear a range of
new content management choices and how they're changing
technology strategies; learn how to assess your content and
applications to develop a better strategy plan, and more.
Register and view now:
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feel free to message us directly if you have any comments or
questions (
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