Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:19:17 -0500 (EST)
From:"NWC Online" <>
Subject: Network Computing Online #2.98 -- New! Convergence Channel
-- Network Computing Online #2.98 --
Your Online IT Resource
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
>From wireless mobility to regulatory compliance to converged
voice, data and video networks, IT professionals have never faced
such a complex set of challenges - or such a powerful array of
innovations for solving them. Only NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas
2005 provides a comprehensive, systems-wide approach that
addresses the full range of challenges you face. Register before
March 31st and save up to $200!!!
Here's what's cooking on NWC Online this week!
1) The Daily Blog
- Podcasting
- Something Completely Different
- Evolution of the Wi-Fi Market
2) YackITyYack
- New! Convergence Channel
- New Mobile and Wireless Blogger
- CEO Minute: Packeteer
- KnowledgeStorm Library
- Last Mile: Carly--You're a Star!
- Top 11: Tradeshow Gimme
- Tech Support Haiku Winner
3) Calling All Readers
- IT Exam: VoIP Security
- Microsoft Roadmap Feature
- E-poll: Mobile Messaging
- Reader Survey: Guide to Professional Development Strategies
- E-poll: Business Process Management
- NPA Annual Meeting and Awards for Professionalism
4) Special Events
- Building, Deploying and Securing Wireless LANs
- Neohapsis NeoCast: Trends in Regulation, Compliance and
5) Editors' Picks
- Sun Plans to Open Source Java Enterprise System
- Syndera: Driving Intelligence in Operational Performance
- NFR Security Joins the Race for a Smarter IPS
- New HP CEO Faces Tough Challenge
- Opera 8 for Linux Moves to Beta 3
- Featured White Paper: New Requirements in Mobile Manageability
6) Download Mania
- GridinSoft Backup 2.1
7) Eye on Security
- Alertcon: Telnet Buffer Overflow
- Security Threat Watch: This Week's Vulnerabilities
8) Coming Events
- J2EE: A Standard in Jeopardy
- Next Generation Enterprise-Level IT Management
- IT Governance and Process Management Excellence
Look for the next Network Computing Online newsletter on Wednesday,
April 6, 2005!
1) The Daily Blog
a) Podcasting
By Michael J. DeMaria
Podcasting is rather nice, even for those of us who don't actually
podcast. I just like downloading the audio file for offline listening.
I've always hated non-live audio streams that could only be listened to
in pseudo-live form. It'd waste bandwidth if you want to listen to it a
second time. Not to mention that every major commonly used streaming
media client program, every one, sucks at streaming. But am I the only
one who thinks the term 'podcasting' is rather silly?
b) Something Completely Different
By Curtis Franklin Jr.
Hey, everyone, let's try something new. I've become fascinated by the
world of podcasting, so I thought it might be interesting to podcast
some of my daily observations, and even some of the interviews that are
part of my week. The experiment begins with my very first podcast.
c) Evolution of the Wi-Fi Market
By Peter Rysavy
I'm teaching a seminar on advances in wireless networking in a couple
weeks in Bellevue, Washington, so as I finalize my course content, I'm
thinking about the most important developments in each wireless
Read more entries from The Daily Blog.
2) YackITyYack
a) New! Convergence Channel
Stay ahead of the voice and data convergence wave with NWC Technical
Editor Mike DeMaria's new Channel. Each week, Mike will bring you
opinionated soundings on industry happenings and technological
Plus, you'll find the latest news, reviews and how-tos on melding data
and voice.
b) New Mobile and Wireless Blogger
We're pleased to bring you a new voice in our Mobile and Wireless
Channel, Peter Rysavy. Each week, Peter will blog on Wi-Fi technologies
and mobile communications infrastructures, focusing on
c) CEO Minute: Packeteer
Tune in to hear Brad Shimmin's interview with Packeteer President and
CEO Dave Cote and find out how Packeteer hopes to make network-centric
performance monitoring/management a priority in your IT department.
Plus, you can now podcast this interview!
d) KnowledgeStorm Library
Let our new KnowledgeStorm library help you find the right information
to make informed technology decisions. Search through top categories
including security solutions, networking and communications solutions,
enterprise content management solutions, business intelligence
and more.
e) Last Mile: Carly--You're a Star!
By Bradley F. Shimmin and Tim Wilson
This edition: Top 11 working titles for a movie about ex-HP CEO Carly
Fiorina; an ode to Carly; and the zany MS Knowledge Base.
f) Top 11: Tradeshow Gimme
There's still time to send in your entry for the "Top 11 tradeshow
giveaways we'd like to see." Make us laugh, and we'll print your entry
in print and online. Here are a couple ideas submitted last week from
your compatriots to get things started.
*Fully functional Tesla coil labeled as "meeting prevention device."
--Bob Kokinda
*Liquor-filled chocolates. Or just liquor. --Joe Jackson
g) Tech Support Haiku Winner
Thanks to those of you who submitted IT technical support haikus. Our
best entry this week belongs to Patrick Albouy, who submitted the
following boundary-pushing poem:
I have an issue with my pearl Ora
In the Now My oracle as no Aura
In the future may be, in another Era.
Submit your best poem today for a chance at next issue's honors.
3) Calling All Readers
a) IT Exam: VoIP Security
With voice-over-IP capabilities come security exposures that many
operations are ill-prepared to address. Take this exam to test your own
VoIP security IQ and find out if your company is prepared to protect
b) Microsoft Roadmap Feature
Wish you could query Microsoft on the areas that are affecting your
business now and down the road? Network Computing is gearing up to do
just that in our special Microsoft Roadmap feature. Our Technology
Editors will quiz VPs and product managers to find out Redmond's plans
for the upcoming year so we can help you prepare for upgrades and new
initiatives in six key areas: security; management, including desktops
and common engineering criteria; storage; OS platforms, both desktop
server; business apps, including development tools, middleware and SQL
Server; and collaboration and convergence. Send project coordinator
Franklin your burning questions. We'll select a few in each of these
areas to pass along to Microsoft and answer in our July 21 issue of
Network Computing.
c) E-poll: Mobile Messaging
Network Computing is producing a story addressing developments in
wireless e-mail for an upcoming issue. Our primary focus is the use of
e-mail on mobile devices such as PDAs and smartphones. We will be
examining the different approaches used, including hosted solutions and
enterprise-deployed solutions, and we'll be evaluating a number of
solutions in our labs. We would like to get input from you, our
about current and planned use of wireless e-mail. Your perspectives on
this important topic are important to Network Computing and its readers
and can influence vendors to provide better products. We would like to
request five to seven minutes of your valuable time to answer the
following questions. We will keep your answers anonymous and
confidential. Please take our survey at:
d) Reader Survey: Guide to Professional Development Strategies
How important to you is the opportunity to grow professionally as
opposed to just raking in the big bucks? Remember that professional
development isn't just technical training; it's also about developing
communications and project management skills, for example. NWC
Contributor Jonathan Feldman is working on a guide to professional
development strategies, and he needs your help. Please take a moment to
answer a few questions; your responses will guide Jonathan as he
prepares his report. Thank you for your participation.
e) E-poll: Business Process Management
Got business processes that could use streamlining? Maybe what you need
is a BPM (business process management) suite. Problem is, BPM vendors
are coming out of the woodwork and promising everything from simply
monitoring processes to enforcing business policies to making your EAI
tool obsolete. And they rarely mention the vast amount of upfront work
that's required for success. Luckily, help is on the way. Network
Computing is embarking on a major analysis of BPM offerings that will
cut through the hype. But we need your help. Please take our survey at:
f) NPA Annual Meeting and Awards for Professionalism
Join the Network Professional Association on May 4, 2005, for its
meeting and Awards for Professionalism at this year's NetWorld+Interop
in Las Vegas. Members, log in to receive your conference registration
priority code.
4) Special Events
a) Building, Deploying and Securing Wireless LANs:
A Hands-On 3-Day Immersion Learning Program for Network Professionals
and Engineers
--Presented by Network Computing and the Enterprise Architecture Group
About 20 percent of IT budgets are now dedicated to wireless products
and services. About half of midsize and large enterprises are using
wireless data today and another 30 percent are planning/evaluating
future use. Most current wireless users plan to substantially increase
their usage in the future as well. Are you ready?
Register now, space is limited.
(410) 531-0559
b) Neohapsis NeoCast: Trends in Regulation, Compliance and Enforcement
Thursday, May 26, 2005
9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST
In this event led by Dave Stampley, compliance specialist and general
counsel at Neohapsis, Dave will walk participants through ways to avoid
common compliance pitfalls as well as highlight emerging regulatory
5) Editors' Picks
a) Sun Plans to Open Source Java Enterprise System
Sun stakes out a role as being the only company truly committed to open
source as a means of driving innovation and adoption.
b) Syndera: Driving Intelligence in Operational Performance Management
Here's how to bring the performance management value of business
intelligence and process management to operational intelligence.
c) NFR Security Joins the Race for a Smarter IPS
Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) usually operate in the dark; that
is, they make allow-or-deny decisions without any information about the
hosts they protect. Without such context, IPSs are more likely to
the cardinal sins of false positives and false negatives.
d) New HP CEO Faces Tough Challenge
Mark Hurd, 48, the former president and CEO of NCR, is expected to be
tapped by HP's board to replace Carly Fiorina.
e) Opera 8 for Linux Moves to Beta 3
Norwegian browser maker Opera releases the third beta of its namesake
version 8 for Linux.
f) Featured White Paper: New Requirements in Mobile Manageability
The tidal wave in mobilized computing is generating a large and complex
manageability burden. Therefore, your organization may need a solution
to avoid drowning in a flood of problem incidents, support requests and
outages. By adopting best practices and a comprehensive lifecycle
management suite, you can stem the tide and regain effective control.
See more white papers, research abstracts, case studies and product
information in the Network Computing Tech Library.
For additional research, check out our online encyclopedia providing
Web-based definitions of IT terms.
You can find links to these and other breaking news stories organized
technology via our handy NetNews Service.
6) Download Mania: Select Files From IT Pro Downloads
a) GridinSoft Backup 2.1
GridinSoft Backup protects your data from irreparable loss or damage.
Integrated ZIP compression supports back up, storage, FTP and the
network, and you can back up several folders at a time.
Download at:
Size: 856k
Platform: Windows
Licensing: Shareware
Transfer files with ease using this intuitive FTP client. Using its
drag-and-drop Explorer-like interface, ESFTP lets you update a Web site
with a single click and resume interrupted downloads or uploads. Its
features include crash recovery, support for new firewall/proxy and
types, remote file viewing and editing and more.
Download at:
Size: 5,543k
Platform: Windows
Licensing: Freeware
Note: By using IT Pro Downloads you agree to these terms of use.
7) Eye on Security
a) Alertcon: Telnet Buffer Overflow
Multiple vendors' telnet clients are vulnerable to a buffer overflow
caused by the improper handling of LINEMODE suboptions. In the context
of the user who launched the telnet process, a remote attacker could
overflow a buffer to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system.
b) Security Threat Watch: This Week's Vulnerabilities
Here are a few vulnerabilities we're watching this week:
PVDasm 1.6: long file name local DoS
QuickTime PictureViewer 6.5.1: malicious JPEG file local overflow
Trillian: multiple plugin remote HTTP header overflow
OpenMosixView: insecure temp file handling
For more security alerts and information, sign up for our free Security
Threat Watch newsletter.
8) Coming Events
a) J2EE: A Standard in Jeopardy
--A Network Computing Research & Advisory Perspectives TechWebCast
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST
The future of the J2EE standard is uncertain. Market forces, including
commoditization, open-source alternatives, new disruptive technologies
and the maturing Microsoft.NET framework, will change the landscape of
the J2EE industry. Burton Group Senior Analyst Richard Monson-Haefel,
one of the world's leading authorities on Java and J2EE, explains these
threats as well as provides strategic insights and practical
b) Next Generation Enterprise-Level IT Management
--A Network Computing Vendor Perspectives TechWebCast
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST
Learn next-generation, integrated IT infrastructure management
techniques used by advanced, enterprise-level data centers. Raritan
Computer's next-generation, integrated KVM (keyboard, video and mouse)
and serial console solutions streamline incident problem, change and
configuration management processes, helping to reduce complexity, MTTR
(mean time to repair) and downtime while improving security,
productivity, flexibility and ROI.
c) IT Governance and Process Management Excellence
--An InformationWeek Vendor Perspectives TechWebCast
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
9:00 AM PST / 11:00 AM CT / 12:00 PM EST
When it comes to managing IT, balancing the "cost reduction" vs. "value
creation" equation is critical. More than ever, IT should be seen not
merely as a cost, but as a critical contributor to the business,
on improving business value and performance. IT governance is a means
deliver both.
>From wireless mobility to regulatory compliance to converged
voice, data and video networks, IT professionals have never faced
such a complex set of challenges - or such a powerful array of
innovations for solving them. Only NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas
2005 provides a comprehensive, systems-wide approach that
addresses the full range of challenges you face. Register before
March 31st and save up to $200!!!
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