From:"Open" <> 
To:"" <>
Subject: Attack on the GPL
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 17:35:17 -0400
This Week's Sponsor: RackSaver, providing high-density servers and 
supercomputer clusters
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August 7, 2003

Open Magazine - Your strategic guide to Open Source

OK, Kabuki isn’t for everyone. It takes a certain kind of person to sit 
through a highly stylized production where men pretending to be women 
don masks and spend the rest of the performance circling around and 
singing to each other with screams of hate and angst. Wow, what a fitting 
metaphor for the SCO charade and all of the lawyers. That troupe has 
spent months circling around vendors and users, with menacing cries about 
our austere future of license fees payable to SCO for the use of Linux. 

Question: If the crème de la crème of Tokyo and New York producers 
staged a competition for primo posturing, what would the climax be, the Obi 
Awards? And who would deserve it, SCO’s accusers or SCO’s accused or 
those masked players not even named in the program? Read  “The Elaborate 
Charade to Discredit the GPL” for  insight.

At Orbitz, Leon Chism, Chief Internet Architect, is turning technology 
into business advantage. This week he reveals to Open what unleashing 
hundreds of PCs running Linux achieves and how it helps place Orbitz in 
the gifted class of on-line travel web sites.

To click on this week’s drama, click on: 

And remember to send a copy to your friends mired in proprietary 


The editors of Open magazine