"Open Extra for the Linux Line" <open.extra@open-mag.com>
To:"mswier@yahoo.com" <mswier@yahoo.com>
Subject: The Linux Line Vol. III, No. 9
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 19:54:00 -0400
September 15, 2003
Dear valued Open magazine subscriber:
As one of our subscribers interested in expanding Linux learning, we
are pleased to send you the September issue of IBM's Linux
magazine-on-the-Web, The Linux Line. Whether you're interested in tutorials on how to
capitalize on the capabilities of Linux software or seeking IT
assessments, The Linux Line, like Open, is a useful roadmap for following Linux
as it continues taking the IT world by storm.
In this month's issue, Abe Thomas, IBM Country Manager for India, tells
why Linux really matters in India today and how IBM drives Linux for
the Indian marketplace; Chris Stone, vice chairman, office of the CEO at
Novell, tells why Novell decided to adopt Linux across the board; a new
IBM TV ad spreads the word about Linux; SuSE Linux earns Common
Criteria security certification on IBM eServer xSeries; and new options are
introduced in IBM TotalStorage FAStT, enhancing storage in Linux
You'll also read about new Linux database clusters; building a wireless
access point on Linux for fun and profit; IBM TotalStorage SAN File
System for file aggregation and data sharing in an open environment;
high-performance computing solutions for industrial customers; and more.
It's waiting for you! Just point your browser to
or download a printer-friendly PDF at
We hope you enjoy your subscription to The Linux Line.
All the best,
Open magazine
PS. If a subscriber passed this along to you, get your own free
subscription by visiting http://www.ibm.com/linux/linuxline/ll and feel free
to forward The Linux Line to friends and colleagues.
Thank you.