From:"Open" <>
To:"" <>
Subject: Can Xandros simplify Linux use?
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 17:48:00 -0500
Experience EclipseCon 2004, the Open Source Conference
EclipseCon 2004 is a technical conference that brings together the
Open Source project, community, and ecosystem.
Join in keynotes, tutorials, exhibits, demos, poster sessions,
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February 2-5 in Anaheim, CA.
January 8, 2004
Open Magazine - Your strategic guide to Open Source
Last month's release of the Xandros Desktop OS, based on Debian, has
been making quite a splash. At openBench Labs, we take a hard look at
Xandros to discover its weak spots and value, in light of the company's
claim that it is an intuitive wonder.
Robert Lefkowitz, the guy who turned heads as a Merrill Lynch supporter
of the business case for Open Source, has now taken up residence at
AT&T Wireless to do what he does outstandingly well: the vision thing. The
news is that the vision thing has Open Source written all over it. This
week, Open looks at what he has to say about his role and three
components to the AT&T Wireless vision for Open Source.
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