From:"Open" <>
To:"" <>
Subject: Fault Tolerant Linux
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 20:35:50 -0500
A Tale of POWER and Spanish Blades: MareNostrum is a 40-teraflop blade 
server that was born out of a partnership between IBM and the Spanish 
Government. Out of this partnership is forged the Barcelona 
Supercomputer Center, which was created as a high-performance computing resource 
for the European e-science community. For the full story, click on:
December 16, 2004
Hello MIKE SNIER (account 113093)
Open Magazine - Your strategic guide to Open Source
We're at that point of the year when technology managers for 
e-retailers obsess over how to make sure their servers stay up and running for 
holiday sales. Many sites use clusters to provide high availability, but 
some analysts maintain that clusters have less availability than 
non-clustered systems. What's the alternative? 

Double the normal parts and add specialized software and hardware to 
make a fault-tolerant system that is totally transparent to end users and 
IT alike. NEC is celebrating more than obsessing, over its new NEC FT 
server running hardened Linux. This week, we talk to an NEC spokesman 
about NEC's latest FT Linux-based server. He tells us what obsessively 
hard work went into making it a solution aimed at the heart of retail, 
manufacturing, and any other industry dependent on mission-critical 

Covering the cultural implications of the global shift to open source, 
the producer of "The Digital Tipping Point," Christian Einfeldt, 
traveled to Spain, Scotland, Germany, and Brazil, capturing approaches to 
using open source to build societies. Back from Brazil, he shares 
eye-opening insights into the heart, soul, and infrastructure of Brazil's 
advocates of open-source platforms. 
For this week's stories, click on
The editors of Open magazine