Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 10:30:45 -0400
From:"Mark Vincent" <>
Subject: Red Hat Academy

Please email Mark and/or myself w/ your help on the below issue.



I am Account Manager for Red Hat Academy for the midwest U.S., and am 
interested in speaking with you.
Red Hat Academy is the new academic curriculum program designed for 
accredited schools, whether they are universities, community colleges, 
or k-12, to teach Linux skills.  The end-result being that the students 
who complete these courses will be Red Hat Certified Technicians.
   We have spoken to a couple of colleges in Chicago who are interested 
in deploying an Academy; however, their Boards have been wavering 
because of enrollment concerns. Essentially, they are concerned that 
there aren't enough students (full time and part time/continuing ed) 
would enroll in such classes to offse their costs.

I am e-mailing you to seek your feedback and suggestions on this issue. 
Can your LUG offer any advice on how we can provide these schools some 
kind of data and comfort level on the demand for such an education? 
Maybe the demand is not there. I am simply challenged in how to 
such Linux demand and thought you could offer some insight.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your feedback.

Mark Vincent
Account Manager
Central U.S. Public Sector

Direct:    919-754-3700 x44230
Toll Free: 888-733-4281 x44230
Fax:       919-754-3708