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Sun Launches Faster UltraSparc-IV Jaguars After All
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Sun Microsystems did indeed this week launch the kickers to the "Jaguar" UltraSparc-IV processors running at faster clock speeds. There had apparently been some debate inside Sun as to whether these processors would come to market or not, and now the matter is settled. Exactly why there was any debate at all is an interesting thing to consider. More than likely, the on-again, off-again launch of faster Jaguar chips has to do with chip yields at Texas Instruments for both the Jaguars and the future "Panther" UltraSparc-IV+ chips. READ MORE >
Sun Expands Preventive Services Offering
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Sun Microsystems continues to evolve its Sun Preventive Services (SPS), and is preparing to expand its initial offering of managing Solaris systems for a selected number of high-end data center customers to offering proactive maintenance services to a broader set of customers through Sun and its iForce partner network. The expansion of the SPS offering was expected, but is being accelerated by Sun's acquisition of SevenSpace late last year. READ MORE >
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Aldon Opens Up to AIX and Linux with Lifecycle Manager 5.0
by Alex Woodie
At LinuxWorld last week, Aldon unveiled Lifecycle Manager 5.0, a new version of its flagship change management system for cross-platform development. Expected to ship during the second quarter, Lifecycle Manager 5.0 brings the benefit of enabling organizations to run their source code repository on any AIX or Linux server, instead of requiring an iSeries server. READ MORE >
Mad Dog 21/21: Darned Coyote
by Hesh Wiener
It's a common enough experience. You ask yourself, "What am I doing here?" Don't think of this as a moment of doubt or confusion. Think of it as an introduction to cosmology, and as one of the many questions for which there may be no answer--not yet, maybe not ever--at least for mankind. But don't let that discourage you or keep you from asking other difficult questions such as, "Just how many different computer architectures do we need?" READ MORE >
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But Wait, There's More
NASDAQ Warns SCO of Impending Delisting . . . Sun Creates Confusion with "Sun DB" Roadmap Item . . . Shavlik Expands Patch Management to Unix, Linux . . . LeftHand Networks Ports SAN Management to Unix . . . GST Creates Market Guides to Help eServer Buyers . . . Gartner's People3 Predicts IT Workforce Shortage . . . READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Managing Editor: Shannon Pastore
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Delroy
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed
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