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Open Source Servers
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Corporate computing on machines that we can recognizably call electronic data processing systems--and what we now call servers--is coming up on its silver anniversary. The world has consumed a truly staggering amount of computing capacity and has devoured countless varieties of chip and server architectures, operating systems, programming languages, and middleware. But consumption is not a goal in and of itself--unless you are an IT vendor selling wares. Rather than consume what vendors feed us, it is time for the companies that buy servers to have more say in how servers get cooked and what server technologies we consume. READ MORE >
Intel Stands By Itanium, Positions It Against IBM's Power
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Launching the EM64T 64-bit memory extensions for the Pentium 4 and Xeon DP processors last year and the impending shipment of 64-bit Xeon MP processors this quarter has done nothing to stop the continued questioning about the long-term viability of the 64-bit Itanium processor. And at Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco this week, Intel executives once again found themselves defending the existence of Itanium in a 64-bit Xeon and Opteron world. READ MORE >
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Intel Goes Whole Hog for Multicore Chips
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
The top brass at Intel this week mapped out the multicore future of the company's mobile, desktop, and server processors that will allow it to continue to innovate along founder Gordon Moore's famed 1965 law of doubling transistor count every 18 months or so. Intel is falling in behind other industry players in the RISC/Unix market, who correctly reckoned several years ago that cranking up clock speeds could not be the means to increase performance because of practical thermal limits on our desktops and in corporate data centers. READ MORE >
Gartner Gives 2004 Server Report Cards
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
For all the talk about virtualization, partitioning, and other means of driving up server utilization and driving down box counts, the worldwide server market doesn't seem to be listening. This is a great thing if you happen to be selling servers for a living. According to Gartner, companies worldwide consumed and incredible 6.7 million servers in 2004, up 20.5 percent from the 5.6 million machines acquired during 2003. And even with average selling prices going down, server makers still raked in $49.5 billion in sales for 2004, an increase of 7.2 percent. READ MORE >
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Intel Maps Out Its Server Roadmap
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Brace yourself for the Intel's code-name blitz for platforms, processors, chipsets, and core technology underpinning it all. Intel recently reorganized itself into five different operating groups, and the new Digital Enterprise Group, headed up by co-general managers Pat Gelsinger and Abhi Talwalker, was the star of the first day of Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, California. READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Managing Editor: Shannon Pastore
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Delroy
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed
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