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NetBSD Unix Supports Xen Virtualization
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
While everybody seemed to get interested in the open source Xen virtual machine partitioning hypervisor just when XenSource incorporated and made its plans clear for the Linux platform, the NetBSD variant of the BSD Unix platform has been Xen-compatible for over a year now, and will be as fully embracing the technology as Linux is expected to. READ MORE >
Kabira Adds HA to Transaction Software for Solaris, HP-UX
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
The real-time, memory-resident transaction processing middleware from Kabira Technologies, which was launched last fall, has just got high availability extensions, the company said. The software is beta testing the HP-UX and Solaris variants of Unix right now and will be integrated into Kabira's Infrastructure System and Transaction Switch by June of this year. That is also when Kabira plans to port its software to another platform that ends in the letter X. READ MORE >
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IBM Buys Other Half of Informix with Ascential Acquisition
by Timothy Prickett Morgan
Four years ago, in April 2001 to be precise, IBM bought the relational database business from the former Informix for $1 billion in cash and boosted its market share in the database market in one fell swoop. Four years later, IBM is paying $1.1 billion in cash to buy the other part of Informix, which is known as Ascential Software and which sells data transformation and integration software. READ MORE >
As I See It: Surviving a Job Loss
by Victor Rozek
Stay in the work force long enough, and chances are you will eventually lose a job. You may be fired for good cause or bad, laid off for economic reasons, or become redundant because of a merger or an acquisition. And if those reasons don't suffice, you may simply be downsized, rightsized, outsourced, offshored, or separated from the company. The result, however, will be the same: someone will have decided to terminate your employment, thereby depriving you of your livelihood. READ MORE >
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But Wait, There's More
FreeBSD 4.11 Arrives in the Mail . . . Sun Loses Two Execs, Promotes Two Others . . . SAS Sets ETL Benchmark Record on Sun Fire 15K Servers . . . Veritas Storage Foundation Is Ready for Solaris 10 . . . Merrill Lynch Says Server Market Could Slow in 2005 and 2006 . . . Etnus Delivers TotalView Debugger for MacOS X . . . NCR, Sun Face Off in Data Warehousing TCO Study . . . READ MORE >
Reader Feedback and Insights
We value your feedback and insights. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. Letters may be printed, unless otherwise specified, and edited for clarity or length. READ MORE >

Editor: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Managing Editor: Shannon Pastore
Contributing Editors: Dan Burger, Joe Hertvik, Kevin Vandever,
Shannon O'Donnell, Victor Rozek, Hesh Wiener, Alex Woodie
Publisher and Advertising Director: Jenny Delroy
Advertising Sales Representative: Kim Reed
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