From: | "Unix Review News" <urnews@unixreview.email-publisher.com>
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Subject: | UnixReview.com EXTRA! Vol. 3, Issue 14 |
 | Date: | Sun, 03 Apr 2002 13:00:00 -0800 |
Volume 3, Issue 14
April 3, 2002
Stop the Pop!
Block pop-up windows, banner ads and MIME types BEFORE they
hijack your browser. Also ban porn, gambling web sites and other
inappropriate web use. SuperScout Web Filter VS does this and
more for your enterprise. VS employs pass-through filtering,
content caching of HTTP and FTP downloads and filtering by LDAP
user authentification: all contributing to fast, filtered content
delivery, ensuring appropriate and efficient Internet use. Stop
the pop!
Download your FREE 30-Day Trial now:
Certification Scope: Preparing for the Sair 201 Exam
by Emmett Dulaney
The Core Practices and Concepts exam is a mandatory part of the Sair
Linux and GNU Level II (Engineer) certification program. Emmett
a complete list of study tips to help you prepare.
Executor 2.1: Emulating the Mac OS
Review by Bob Alexander
If you've been hanging on to an old Mac just to run a favorite legacy
app, Executor may enable you to free up some (physical) desk space.
UnixReview's Shell Corner Roundup: Unix Backup Scripts
Hosted by Ed Schaefer
In his monthly Shell Corner column, Ed presents a winning shell script
from our reader submissions. Here, he shares three backup scripts:
nfs_backup, mirrorcopy, and backup.ss. (This article originally
in the April 2002 issue of Sys Admin magazine. Used with permission.)
Sponsored by USERblue (http://www.userblue.org)
Mark your calendar to attend USERblue, a SHARE forum for users of IBM
technologies on UNIX systems, August 18-21, 2002, in San Francisco.
This user-run conference features nearly 80 technical sessions, hands
on AIX labs, unique access to IBM developers, certification testing,
a products and services exhibition, and peer networking events.
Technical presentation abstracts still being accepted for limited time.
For details and abstract submission form, visit:
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