From: | "Unix Review News" <urnews@unixreview.email-publisher.com>
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Subject: | UnixReview.com EXTRA! Vol. 3, Issue 19 |
 | Date: | Sun, 08 May 2002 08:45:00 -0700 |
Volume 3, Issue 19
May 8, 2002
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THIS WEEK on UnixReview
Certification Scope: Preparing for the Sair 202 Apache Exam
by Emmett Dulaney
Dulaney provides a study guide for the Apache/Webservers exam,
which is one of two electives leading to Sair Linux and GNU
Level II (Engineer) certification.
Dot.con and dot.bomb
Review by Ben Rothke
Dot.con provides a retrospective glimpse of the dot.com bubble,
whereas dot.bomb chronicles the meteoric rise and fall of a
specific Internet company, Value America. Check out Rothke's
review to see how these two books stack up.
Dream Weaving
by Ron Kuo
In this excerpt from dot.bomb, Kuo chronicles the conception and
early development of Value America, revealing the background,
vision, motivation, and cunning business sense of founder Craig Winn.
Dot.con: Prologue
by John Cassidy
In this excerpt from Dot.con, Cassidy reflects on the vast changes
that have taken place in the United States since the mid-1990s
Internet frenzy. Using Priceline.com as an example, he lays the
groundwork for further exposition of the absurdities of the Internet
boom -- which ultimately led to the Internet bust.
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