From: | "Unix Review News" <urnews@unixreview.email-publisher.com>
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Subject: | UnixReview.com EXTRA! Vol. 3, Issue 29 |
 | Date: | Tue, 16 Jul 2002 12:15:00 -0700 |
Volume 3, Issue 29
July 10, 2002
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THIS WEEK on UnixReview.com
Regular Expressions: Economy of Means
by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz
"Richard Suchenwirth is Tcl's Telemann...he's both prolifically
inventive and approachable." Laird and Soraiz explore the "whizzlets,"
hidden wonders, and visual delights of Suchenwirth's Tcl creations.
BrightQ Printing System
Review by Jon Holman
Holman takes a look at a Linux print system from CodeHost. BrightQ is
based on CUPS and is one of the first applications to actually add
functionality to the protocol.
Samba Book Roundup
Review by Jeff Durham
When faced with the challenge of integrating Windows 2000 and Linux,
Durham goes in search of a Samba resource book. He evaluates five
current offerings and shares his "best pick."
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