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Subject: UnixReview.com EXTRA! Vol. 4, Issue 3
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 12:07:43 -0700
January 21, 2003 Volume 4, Issue 3
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THIS WEEK on UnixReview.com
Book Review: Managing Information Security Risks
by Cameron Laird
Does a review of Managing Information Security Risks (MISR) belong in
UnixReview.com? According to Laird, it does.
Book Review: Customizing and Upgrading Linux, 2nd Edition
by Emmett Dulaney
Among the Linux shelves, there is no shortage of beginner books, and
there are a plethora of titles on high-end topics. Dulaney discovers
that the one thing that makes Customizing and Upgrading Linux stand out
most is that it is an intermediate-level book.
Regular Expressions: Compromises
by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz
It's bad to do wrong things, of course. Sometimes it's also good,
The authors say a few words about how to compromise in coding, and how
doing right sometimes isn't doing best.
Book Review: Understanding PKI
by Cameron Laird
PKI is hard, really hard. According to Laird, Understanding PKI is
pretty helpful.
InfoSec World Conference and Expo/2003
March 10-12, 2003, Orlando, FL
Optional Workshops March 8, 9, 12, 13, & 14
Expo March 10 & 11
MIS Training Institute's InfoSec World covers today's need-to-know
topics and delivers proven strategies, tactics, and techniques for
protecting your systems. Features include the CISO Executive Summit,
Information Security Magazine's Third Annual Excellence Awards
89 sessions, and 21 optional workshops. For details and to register, go
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