Directions and Meeting Information.

If you enter off of Algonquin Road, drive straight down the entrance drive to the end of the lane near the flag pole, you will be in front of the Student and Administration Center ("A" Building).
A map of Harper campus.
maps to meeting locations.
Other Harper maps; Harper's map A238
Public Transportation and additional maps.
Ideas for meeting discussions
Archive of old meetings.
Harper College provides wireless access to the Internet.
Extra meetings

Normally meetings start by 7pm and run through 9p. Come early to the meeting and talk about linux this and that. Doors are open at 6:15p or so.
Next Meeting

4/4/23 - Room
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

5/2/23 - Room
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

6/6/23 - Room
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

7/4/23 - No Meeting. Enjoy the holiday.

8/1/23 -

9/5/23 -

10/3/23 - Room
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

11/7/23 -
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

12/5/23 -
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

1/2/24 -
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

2/6/24 -
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

3/5/24 - Room
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

4/2/24 - Room
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

5/7/24 -
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

6/4/24 - cancelled

7/2/24 -
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.
To help our networking and meeting other, Go-TOUGH and us are co-hosting this meeting.

8/6/24 - cancelled

9/3/24 -
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.

10/1/24 -
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.

11/5/24 -
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.

12/3/24 -
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.

1/7/25 - Canceled

Upcoming meetings:

2/4/25 -
This meeting will be online via Google Meet
Bring something to talk about. Show, tell, share something to all or just a few. Learn something new.

3/4/25 - Canceled

4/1/25 -

5/6/25 - Canceled

Visit calendar

Unofficial post-meeting @ The Hideout. map map2

Return to NWCLUG Main Page.
Go to Presenter info.

For additional information please contact Mike Swier at mswier@yahoo.com or nwclugadmin
updated 2/28/25